Historical archive

Together for a new Mali

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Brussels, 15 May 2013

- The people of northern Mali have been brutally suppressed by extremist groups. They need our special attention, said Minister of International Development, Mr. Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås in his address at the the international conference on Mali in Brussels.

Mr Chair, the broad international presence testifies to our collective will to assist Mali in the current crisis.

The people of northern Mali have been brutally suppressed by extremist groups. They need our special attention. However, the entire country faces a huge need for economic and social assistance. I want to commend the Transitional Government of Mali for its ambitious “Plan for Sustainable Recovery”. We will support this plan.

However, the political and development tracks must go hand in hand. The government of Mali must get under way a nationwide process of political reconciliation, a process that also involves community level. Elections must be inclusive. Refugees and internally displaced must take part. High turnouts in both the North and the South must be sought.

The Minister at the Mali conference
Minister of International Development, Mr. Holmås, during his address at the Mali conference. (Photo: MFA)

The elections must pave the way for a new government that enjoys the confidence of all of Mali. A transfer of power and channelling of resources will strengthen local government, thereby strengthening democracy and local ownership.

These elections are of critical importance. Norway will therefore contribute 5 million Euros to the UNDP election fund. As we resume our assistance, the leaders of Mali must be fully committed to political reform.

Basic social and economic services must be restored to facilitate the gradual return of the internally displaced and refugees. Norway will resume bilateral development programmes that were suspended in 2012, most notably the Lac Faguibine project for food security.

For the years 2013 and 2014, Norway will contribute 10 million Euros annually in development aid. However, throughout the various development programmes particular attention should be given to promoting the role of women, and including them in peace-building efforts.  

The humanitarian consequences of the crisis are significant. But we must not forget the millions of people threatened by food insecurity, malnutrition and diseases throughout Mali and beyond its borders. As stated in the government plan, “Mali is at a crossroads”. But the fact is that the entire Sahel region is at a crossroads. Our efforts must have a regional perspective. We will now explore the potential for cooperation with Niger. Norway has so far this year contributed 13 million Euros in humanitarian aid to the Sahel. We stand ready to consider additional humanitarian and development assistance, through regional and bilateral initiatives.