Historical archive


Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Here is the programme for The Biological Weapons Convention Supporting Global Health: Reducing Biological Risk by Building Capacity in Health Security.

The Biological Weapons Convention Supporting Global Health: Reducing Biological Risk by Building Capacity in Health Security

(The programme in pdf-format) 

17 June

Arrival and check in at Hotel Thon Opera


Informal reception at the hotel (“Kvarten room”)


18  June 




Opening session 

Jonas Gahr Støre,
Minister of Foreign Affairs                              

Mansyur Pangeran
Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia 

Don Sinclair, Director General, International Security Bureau, Foreign Affiars and International Trade Canada, for the Chair of the 2009 meeting of the BWC


Session I: Article X of the Biological Weapons Convention – purpose and perceptions 

History, role and importance of Article X
Dr Devina Naidoo, Non Proliferation Secretariat at the Department of Trade and Industry, South Africa 

Cooperation, development and security: evolving perceptions of Article X
Richard Lennane, Head of Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs


Coffee break


Session II: Global cooperation in securing human health 

The WHO International Health Regulations: building capacity for human health security. History, function, commitment and implementation of IHR.
From security to health: How Article X of the BTCW can support the IHR in practical terms

Dr Guenael Rodier, Director, International Health Regulations Coordination, World Health Organization (WHO) 

National perspectives


Lunch in adjacent restaurant


Session III: Cooperation on animal and plant health 

The role of Article X in supporting the efforts to secure animal and plant health

Dr Caroline Plante, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) 

Dave Nowell, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

National perspectives


Coffee break


Session IV: Control, confidence and security

Capacity building against biological risk: How Article X can contribute to the security aims of the BTCW as well as public health

Dr Preben Aavitsland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health 

Brazil's national programme for promotion of dialogue between the private sector and the government in matters related to sensitive assets

Nássara Thomé, Division of Disarmament and Sensitive Technologies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

The role of export controls
Anne Kari Lunde, Senior Advisor on Export Control Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Session V: Building health security 

What should be our priorities – pandemic preparedness, biosafety and biosecurity, security of laboratories and personnel, border security and health systems. Identification of capacity gaps and needs, using article X
Dr May Chu, World Health Organization (WHO) 

Richard Lennane, Head of Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs 

National experiences in building health security, relationship to article X implementation

Dr Agus Purwadianto, Head of Health Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesia 

EU action to prevent proliferation of biological weapons
Dr Andreas Strub and Dr Christiane Hoehn 

Biorisk management standards promoting cooperation on disease surveillance and research
Dr Stephen McAdam, DNV




Boat trip on the Oslo fjord followed by dinner

19  June


Session VI: Opportunities and challenges in global cooperation

Biological science, technology and education in international
cooperative networks. National capacity building and the transfer of technology

Gary Burns, Global Biosafety Manager, Safety and Health, AZ Essentials, AstraZeneca

Virus sharing, intellectual property rights and access to benefits
Anne Huvos, Global Influenza Programme, World Health Organization (WHO)

National perspectives 


Coffee break


Session VII: What can and should be done to improve the practical implementation of Article X and its usefulness to public health?

The way ahead
Dr Herawati Sudoyo, Senior Researcher at the Ejikman Institute, Jakarta

Closing of the conference
Steffen Kongstad, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Lunch in adjacent restaurant