Historical archive

UN-Habitat Programme 2007

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

Intervention by Mrs Åslaug Haga, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway, at the High Level Segment, Governing Council 21, UN-Habitat Programme, in Nairobi 2007 April 16th.

Intervention at the High Level Segment, Governing Council 21, UN-Habitat Programme, in Nairobi 2007 April 16th.

Madam President ,
Let me first of all congratulate you and your colleagues in the Bureau on the election. Your able leadership combined with Kenyan hospitality will – I’m sure- not only make this meeting a success, but also a memorable experience.
Madam President,
The ongoing, rapid urbanisation in many countries threatens our common future. As we all know, slums will accommodate the vast majority of the world’s future population growth. Practically in all cities of the South and in an increasing number of countries in the North, poverty is turning urban. Uncontrolled urban sprawl and lack of planning will make our cities less liveable, more pollutant and increase emissions of greenhouse gases far beyond acceptable levels. Due to these trends, cities and towns will be less productive and their potential to be vehicles for economic growth will be considerably weakened. We have to turn the current trends and make urbanisation sustainable.We  must act now. We have no time to lose because human sufferings are vast and unacceptable.
Madam President,
Our main duty at this Governing Council is to create a framework within which UN Habitat will be able to fulfil its role and urgent tasks - and effectively assist member countries to cope with the severe challenges of urbanisation. My delegation views the draft Medium Term Strategic and Institutional Plan – as presented at this point as a good basis for our deliberations.
The bacdrop for our deliberations is the Habitat Agenda, which for more than ten years has committed us to strive for sustainable human settlements development. Still we are not on track. We are far from where we should be. The MTSIP should be seen as an opportunity for the international community first of all to strengthen UN Habitat's catalytic role and move the Habitat Agenda forward. Secondly, it is absolutely necessary that the MTSIP clarify UN Habitat’s role vis a vis local, national and international partners. My delegation takes it also, and I want to stress this as my third point, that the UN Habitat actively will follow up UN reform processes and find its rightful place within “the one UN at country level”. Reform is required. So are financial recourses. No matter how welcome supplementary funding is, true multilateralism and an efficient UN system can only be achieved when donors are ready to contribute adequately to core resources.
Madam President,
The Habitat Agenda describes a holistic and cross sector approach towards sustainable human settlements. Although we have to concentrate our efforts on some key areas, we should not lose sight of the fact that our cities, towns and local communities never will turn sustainable without balancing all the relevant social, ecological and economic aspects of their development. This is the essence of the Habitat Agenda. This is also why local governments are seen as key partners in implementing the Agenda. Without a policy for decentralisation and strong, accountable and effective local authorities to do the work on the ground, we will quite simply fail.
That is why the adoption of Guidelines on decentralisation and strengthening of local governments is very important. It marks a proud milestone in the continuous global dialogue on decentralisation in which UN Habitat should have a major role also in the future.
Madam President,
Women and youth are and will increasingly, due to demographic changes, be the main agents of change in the sprawling slum areas of the world. Their crucial role in local communities needs to be strengthened. Their inputs and contributions are necessary to get on track with the challenges. My delegation is not fully satisfied with the way woman and youth are reflected in the MTSIP, but we are, Madam President, reasonably happy. I am pleased to say that we support the identified focus areas and the cross-sectoral perspectives of the MTSIP. Let me however add some comments on financing.
Norway has at previous Governing Councils underlined that financing of human settlements development should be a priority area for UN Habitat. The reasons are quite obvious. Financing of the "built environment" is very capital demanding. This demand is very far from being met from international sources. We also know that we so far have failed to mobilise local and national capital markets for housing and infrastructure investments that benefits the poor. Therefore, Norway supports the SUF pilot. We are confident that Slum Upgrading Facility will give us valuable experiences to build on.
The Secretariat has suggested that we at this Governing Council should decide to go further. We are invited to support the launch of an initial phase the REFA, a revolving fund account as part of the Foundation. Let me assure you, Mr. President, that Norway fully share the vision behind the proposed construction - scaling up and raising considerably more capital to fill up the existing gaps. We definitely believe that UN Habitat could play an important role in future human settlements financing. But as strong supporters of UN Habitat, we do not want Habitat to stumble into unknown territory and thereby risk a major set back. The issue is too important for that. It is therefore my appeal to us all: Let us make use of the time between now and the next Governing Council to investigate all alternatives, to learn form the SUF Pilot and prepare a solid base for a hopefully unanimous decision on how to proceed at the next Governing Council.
In order to further contribute to the refinement as well as the implementation of the MTSIP, and in general assist the Secretariat to fulfil its tasks in a flexible and more effective manner, Norway has the intention to increase its non-earmarked contribution to UN Habitat for 2007 and 2008 from 15 to 25 million NOK. This is the annual equivalent of 4 million USD.
I thank you for your kind attention.