Historical archive

Launching of negotations

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Trade and Industry

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) will hold its winter Ministerial meeting on 23 November 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. Following the meeting, the EFTA Ministers and Ministers from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will sign a Joint Statement on the launching of negotiations on a broad-based free trade agreement.

The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) will hold its winter Ministerial meeting on 23 November 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. Following the meeting, the EFTA Ministers and Ministers from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will sign a Joint Statement on the launching of negotiations on a broad-based free trade agreement.

Representing EFTA at the Ministerial meeting are:

  • Switzerland: Mr Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (Chair)
  • Iceland: Mr Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade
  • Liechtenstein: Ms Aurelia Frick, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Norway: Mr Trond Giske, Minister of Trade and Industry
  • EFTA:   Mr Kåre Bryn, Secretary-General

Press communiqué (PDF)