Historical archive

Closer cooperation between China and Norway regarding social responsibility

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Trade and Industry

- China plays a key role with regard to fair globalization and the strengthening of labor rights, Minister of Trade and Industry, Trond Giske said after a seminar on corporate social responsibility in Beijing.

seminar on corporate social responsibility in Beijing
The panel at the seminar on corporate social responsibility. (Photo: NHD)

- China plays a key role with regard to fair globalization and the strengthening of labor rights, Minister of Trade and Industry, Trond Giske said after a seminar on corporate social responsibility in Beijing.

- China is the largest recipient of foreign investment, next to the United States, and is the world's second largest exporter. China's importance to the global labor market can hardly be overestimated. The fact that Chinese companies now invest abroad brings corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a new dimension in relation to China, Giske said.

The seminar addressed both Norwegian and Chinese companies established in China and gathered about 150 participants.

- This is a very important seminar that builds on many years of cooperation between Norwegian and Chinese institutions and organizations. The objective is to build up and to strengthen cooperation between China and Norway in social responsibility, Giske said.

In 2009, the Norwegeian Government presented a white paper on corporate social responsibility in a global world. It emphasizes both Norwegian companies' performance abroad and international cooperation in the field of social responsibility.

More and more companies see CSR as part of their core business and have come a long way to develop internal policies, monitoring and reporting. Many companies find it meaningful and a commerciall asset to combine economic, social and environmental ambitions.

- I think it goes without saying that the Norwegian companies doing business abroad bring good practice from home, Giske said.


The seminar was organized by the Embassy in Beijing, Innovation Norway, NHO and its sister organization, China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. This was the first time the ministry has been involved with arranging a seminar on corporate social responsibility in China. Chinese authorities, businesses from both Norway and China, ILO, Initiative for Ethical Trade and Labor Inspectorate participated.