Historical archive

Cooperation with Romania on Environmental Technology and Green Public Procurement

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

The Norwegian and Romanian Ministries of the Environment has launched a joint project on Environmental Technology and Green Public Procurement. The aim of the project is to strengthen the national infrastructure in Romania in order to support eco-innovation and promote emerging eco-technologies and eco-procurement practises.

The Norwegian and Romanian Ministries of the Environment has launched a joint project on Environmental Technology and Green Public Procurement. The aim of the project is to strengthen the national infrastructure in Romania in order to support eco-innovation and promote emerging eco-technologies and eco-procurement practises.

Norway and Romania share a goal of reductions in emissions of Green House Gases. In this context, both the public and the private sector will have to contribute to bring about a low-carbon future. The EU climate and energy package will set new environmental requirements. At the same time, the package will introduce economic incentives for speeding up eco-innovation and the use of environmental technology in the Member States.

- It is important that we work together to find successful solutions both at the European and at a global level, says Norwegian Minister of the Environment Erik Solheim.

The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) and The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) will play an active role in the implementation of the project. SFT will in particular contribute with their experiences on environmental technology. Several other Norwegian institutions will be involved, especially during the planned study visits to Norway in 2010 and 2011. The project is funded by Norway Grants, which is part of the EEA Grants Scheme, covering cooperation with Romania and Bulgaria. Approximately one quarter of the EEA Grants Scheme benefits projects dealing with environmental issues.

The project was launched Tuesday 22 September 2009 at a conference in Bucharest. The conference was opened by the Romanian Minister of the Environment. Norwegian and Rumanian experts gave presentations on environmental technology, green public procurement and the expected deliverable of the project itself to representatives from Romanian national and regional authorities, industry and industry NGOs and research institutes.

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