Historical archive

Green Public Procurement - lessons learned in Romania and Norway

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

The Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Norwegian Ministry of Environment cooperate to promote green public procurement and environmental technology. The aim of the cooperation project “Developing Emergent Ecological markets in Romania” is to strengthen the national infrastructure in Romania in order to support eco-innovation and eco-procurement practises. On the Norwegian side The Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif) and The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) play important roles, and contribute with their experiences and network of experts.

The Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Norwegian Ministry of Environment cooperate to promote green public procurement and environmental technology. The aim of the cooperation project “Developing Emergent Ecological markets in Romania” is to strengthen the national infrastructure in Romania in order to support eco-innovation and eco-procurement practises.  On the Norwegian side The Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif) and The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) play important roles, and contribute with their experiences and network of experts. 

A Romanian delegation is visiting Norway this week to learn about Norwegian experiences related to green public procurement and exchange experiences. Representatives from the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), their partners Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education & RDI (former AMCSIT) and Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) as well as other Romanian national institutions are participating. 

Deputy Minister Heidi Sørensen from the Norwegian Ministry of Environment emphasized in her opening speech that the public sector must be an environmentally aware and demanding customer. – We shall use our market muscle to apply strong climate and environmental criteria and stimulate green innovation, said Heidi Sørensen.

This vision is shared by the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). Eco-efficiency measures, such as green public procurement, can become the premises for a smoother adaptation to the economic crisis, eventually leading to, or actually triggering, an economic recovery, said Mr. Szabolcs Szepessy, Political Adviser to the Romanian Minister of Environment and Forests. The first few steps in this direction have already been done, we will only have to keep walking was his message.

The project receives financial support from Norway Grants.  Approximately one quarter of the EEA and Norway Grants Scheme for 2004-2009 benefits projects related to environmental protection and climate change.

Deputy Minister Ms. Heidi Sørensen, Norwegian Ministry of Environment and Minister’s Political Adviser Mr. Szabolcs Szepessy, Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests. Photo: Marianne Gjørv.
Deputy Minister Ms. Heidi Sørensen, Norwegian Ministry of Environment and Minister’s Political Adviser Mr. Szabolcs Szepessy, Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests. Photo: Marianne Gjørv.