Historical archive

Norwegian Nature Index in english

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

In September 2010 the Norwegian Nature Index was launched. This is probably the first official nature index in the world.

In September 2010 the Norwegian Nature Index was launched. This is probably the first official nature index in the world.

The Norwegian Nature Index (NI) has been established to provide an overview of the state and development of biodiversity in major ecosystems of Norway and thereby
measure progress towards the goal of halting the loss of biodiversity. The NI shows that there has been an improvement of the state of biodiversity in freshwater and open sea during the last two decades, while it is reduced in open lowlands (mainly abandoned semi-natural habitats).

The developed methodology is flexible, and can be adopted by both data-rich and data poor areas.

Read the Nature Index at The Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management