Historical archive

New political advisor in FKD

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Office of the Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister has from 18 June appointed Mr. John Erik Pedersen, county secretary, Vadsø, as political advisor to Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen.

The Office of the Prime Minister has from 18 June appointed Mr. John Erik Pedersen (47), county secretary, Vadsø, as political advisor to Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen.

Mr. Pedersen comes from the post as the Labour Party’s secretary in the County of Finnmark. He has earlier held a number of posts at Telenor in Finnmark, and is a skilled telecom engineer.

The Government represents the Labour Party (Lab.), the Socialist Left Party (Soc.) and the Centre Party (Cent.). The list of political advisors now is as follows:

To Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (Lab.)
Ms. Mina Gerhardsen (Lab.)

To Minister of Finance Kristin Halvorsen (Soc.)
Ms. Sylvi Annie Bratten (Soc.)

To Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Åslaug Haga (Cent.)
Mr. Geir Pollestad (Cent.)

To Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre (Lab.)
Ms. Gry Larsen (Lab.)

To Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen (Lab.)
Ms. Ragnhild Mathisen (Lab.)

To Minister of the Environment Helen Bjørnøy (Soc.)
Mr. Morten Wasstøl (Soc.)

To Minister of Petroleum and Energy Odd Roger Enoksen (Cent.)
Ms. Anne Tingelstad Wøien (Cent.)

To Minister of Development Cooperation Erik Solheim (Soc.)
Mr. Torbjørn Urfjell (Soc.)

To Minster of Trade and Industry Dag Terje Andersen (Lab.)
Ms. Annelene Svingen (Lab.)

To Minister of Transport and Communications Liv Signe Navarsete (Cent.)
Mr. Erik Lahnstein (Cent.)

To Minister of Education and Research Øystein Djupedal (Soc.)
Mr. Roger Pedersen (Soc.)

To Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Bjarne Håkon Hanssen (Lab.)
Ms. Arnhild Holstad (Lab.)
Ms. Hadia Tajik (Lab.)

To Minister of Justice Knut Storberget (Lab.)
Eirik Øwre Thorshaug (Lab.)

To Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem (Lab.)
Ms. Marthe Scharning Lund (Lab.)

To Minister of Culture and Church Affairs Trond Giske (Lab.)
Ms. Trine Synøve Lie Larsen (Lab.)

To Minister of Health and Care Services  Sylvia Brustad (Lab.)
Ms. Solveig Torsvik (Lab.)

To Minister of Government Administration and Reform Heidi Grande Røys (Soc.)
Mr. Jørund Leknes (Soc.)

To Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Larsen (Cent.)
Ms. Sigrid Hjørnegård (Cent.)

To Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen (Lab.)
Ms. Kari-Anne Opsal (Lab.)
Mr. John Erik Pedersen (Lab.)