Historical archive

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Speech at Bucharest Summit

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Office of the Prime Minister

Bucharest 03 April 2008

The need for NATO and the strong transatlantic security relationship is greater than ever. NATO must adopt to new challenges. We must respond to increasing demands. We must continue to modernize. We must continue to develop our individual and collective capabilities.

Secretary General, colleagues,

The need for NATO and the strong transatlantic security relationship is greater than ever.

NATO must adapt to new challenges. We must respond to increasing demands.

We must continue to modernize. We must continue to develop our individual and collective capabilities.

The situation in Afghanistan is a major challenge.

Many allied and partner countries have suffered the loss of soldiers in Afghanistan. I will take the opportunity to pay tribute to the men and women who have served in the ISAF operation. Without them it would not be possible to continue building peace and security in Afghanistan.

We need better coordination of the vital civilian assistance. Afghanistan should be our guiding principle. We must give UN representative Kai Eide our backing to strengthen the coordination in close cooperation with Afghan authorities.

I am pleased with the political-military plan for Afghanistan. It makes it clear that NATO intends to stand by its commitment to the Afghan people. It corresponds well with our established strategy based on the UN mandate.

Norway will maintain a substantial military contribution in Afghanistan. We will increase our comprehensive civilian engagement by 50 %.


NATO’s door continues to be open.

Norway supports the invitation to Albania, FYROM and Croatia to join NATO.

None of the three should be left out and we need to maintain a regional approach to the Balkans. We need to solution to the name issue. And we do not need a new summit for making the decision.

Equally important is the decision to invite Bosnia and Montenegro to upgrade relations with NATO.

Serbia is key to stability in the region. It is in our own interest to continue building relations with them.

Kosovo’s independence leaves no room for Belgrade to move closer to NATO now. But Serbia must not be abandoned. We should make it clear that NATO’s door is open for them.

Norway also welcomes the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Georgia and Ukraine. Again, our door is open. We must continue to base ourselves on solid objective criteria. Norway would support and welcome a good compromise and an expression of our readiness to open our door.

Norway has voiced concern on the issue of Missile Defence. And we welcome the agreement reached in the final declaration.

Norway recognises the threat of ballistic missiles. We agree that Missile Defence can provide protection for a territory.

However, we must discuss whether missile defence in a broader sense enhances global security. In addition we need to avoid the danger of a new arms race.

Norway is committed to the principle of the indivisibility of security. The concerns of all allies should be addressed.

Open dialogue with Russia on missile defence must continue. I value US efforts in this regard.

Our answer to the growing missile threat is not only missile defence, but also to increase our efforts in non-proliferation and arms control. I am pleased to see that this summit has confirmed that NATO takes these issues seriously.

We should strive to maintain the CFE regime, including the flank limitations, as a cornerstone of European security.

I welcome the remarks by President Bush and President Sarkozy on closer EU-NATO cooperation. This has Norway’s full support. But at the same time, let us make an effort to improve the practical working relations. There are unhelpful obstacles that should be removed.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Next year we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of our alliance. Let us seize this opportunity to confirm NATO’s continued commitment to international security, peace and stability.