Historical archive

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Speech at NATO-Russia Council

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Office of the Prime Minister

Bucharest Summit 04 April 2008

We welcome this opportunity to meet with president Putin in the NATO Russia Council. This is an important forum for dialogue and practical cooperation. It has already produced increased trust and confidence. The NRC should be a venue for frank discussion between strategic partners on issues of common concern.

Secretary General, colleagues, President Putin

We welcome this opportunity to meet with president Putin in the NATO Russia Council.

This is an important forum for dialogue and practical cooperation. It has already produced increased trust and confidence.

The NRC should be a venue for frank discussion between strategic partners on issues of common concern.

We have a common interest in strong arms control and disarmament regimes, as well as constructive cooperation in the area of non-proliferation. There is a potential to do more to achieve this.

I welcome the recent efforts made by our Russian and American partners to address differences, be it on missile defence or a new START agreement.   

I regret Russia’s suspension of the CFE. This agreement, including the flank arrangement, is crucial to European stability and security. I urge Russia to return to the agreement.

Practical cooperation is a corner stone of our partnership and in the interest of us all.

In view of the importance of this cooperation, I urge Russia to engage more actively in practical cooperation in areas of common interests, such as Afghanistan.

Norway has a strong interest in developing practical cooperation with Russia. And we have positive experiences in this regard. High North issues will be particularly important for us. However, the cooperation should be expanded to include a wider range of issues.

We are partners and we should develop our partnership.