Historical archive

OECD Ministers to discuss jobs for youth in Oslo, 20-21 September

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Labour

A High Level Policy Forum on Jobs for Youth: Addressing Policy Challenges in OECD countries will be held in Oslo 20-21 September. The forum is jointly organised by the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and the OECD.

A High Level Policy Forum on Jobs for Youth: Addressing Policy Challenges in OECD countries will be held in Oslo 20-21 September. The forum is jointly organised by the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and the OECD.

"This forum will give Ministers from the OECD countries a timely opportunity to discuss our common challenges regarding barriers to employment for young people. I have high hopes for fruitful discussions which can pave the way for more effective policies to help youth into employment", says the Norwegian Minister of Employment, Hanne Bjurstrøm.

The global economic crisis has hit youth very hard. But even in good times youth are more vulnerable to unemployment then adults. The Forum will discuss the labour market situation for youth, and what decisive actions can be taken by governments to improve job prospects for young people. It follows an initiative on Jobs for Youth which the OECD launched in 2006, and where the OECD since has reviewed the policy on youth employment in 16 countries. A synthesis report will be presented at the High Level Policy Forum.

The meeting will take place over two days where the first day will involve interventions from different stakeholders, such as representatives of governments, youth organisations and the social partners. The second day is restricted to Ministers and other High-Level Officials.

More information can be obtained from the web-page for the forum: www.oecd.org/employment/youth/forum