Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 181-200 of 14287 results.

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  • Postal market in Norway: Full liberalisation as of January 1st 2007

    17/12/2004 Press release Ministry of Transport and Communications

    The Government has today submitted a proposal for a full liberalisation of the postal market in Norway as of January 1 st> 2007. The proposal outlines the main principles for a new regulatory framework in the postal sector adapted to a fully

  • Norwegian takes charge of the OSCE mission in Almaty, Kazakhstan

    01/04/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Bulgarian Foreign Minister Solomon Passy has as OSCE Chairman-in-Office appointed Ivar Kristian Vikki as the new head of the OSCE mission in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (05.04.04)

  • Energy and Climate in an Environmental Context ; "Norwegian Climate Change Policy Post Kyoto"

    22/07/1998 Speech/statement Miljøverndepartementet

  • Statement by the Minister of Agriculture at the 30th FAO Conference, Rome

    12/11/1999 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture

    Minister of Agriculture Kåre Gjønnes: Statement at the 30th FAO Conference, Rome Agenda item 5: Review of the State of Food and Agriculture The 30th FAO Conference, Rome, 12-23 November 1999 Mr. Chairman, Director General, Your Excellencies, Ladies

  • Norway and EU agree fish quotas for 2006

    02/12/2005 Press release Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

    Norway and the EU have concluded a bi-lateral fisheries agreement for 2006. The two sides have also reached agreement on fishing levels in the Skagerrak next year. The long-term management plan for cod stocks has been revised with a view to

  • Norway strengthening cooperation with Greece

    31/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Today, Norway and Greece signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on funding totalling EUR 116.7 million under the EEA and Norway Grants. Job creation and business development will be a new and important priority area. The agreement also builds on

  • Information to the press regarding first F35's to Norway

    29/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Defence

    The time has come for Norway to receive our first F-35 Lightning II to norway. On the day of the Royal Norwegian Air Force's 73rd anniversary, on November 10th 2017, the F-35 aircraft arrival will be celebrated. The ceremony takes place at Ørland

  • Agreement on establishment of Nordic "battlegroup"

    11/05/2005 Press release Ministry of Defence

    (10.05.05) (Meeting of Nordic Defence Ministers, Joensuu, Finland, 10 May 2005) Norway, Sweden and Finland have reached agreement to collaborate in the establishment of a so-called “battlegroup” to be placed at the disposal of the EU. The three

  • New President of Efta Surveillance Authority

    25/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ambassador Bente Angell-Hansen will take over the presidency of the Efta Surveillance Authority on 1 January 2018. 'We look forward to continuing our close, constructive dialogue with the Authority under Ms Angell-Hansen's leadership,' said Minister

  • Web TV

    Changes in the Government

    20/10/2017 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    In a session of the Council of State today, the King has made changes in the Government.

  • Anne Tingelstad Wøien appointed new political adviser

    20/10/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Mrs. Wøien comes from Gran in Hadeland. She holds a BA degree in teaching, and is working as a full-time politician for the Centre Party at Oppland County Council. She is also a member of the Centre Party Central Executive Committee. ( 20.10.05)

  • Photos

    Image archive Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Press photos of State Secretary Audun Halvorsen.

  • Proposed Changes in the Fiscal Budget 2006 - the Stoltenberg Government

    10/11/2005 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Continued upswing in the Norwegian economy next year is expected to contribute to an improvement in the labour market. A broadly neutral fiscal policy stance is therefore maintained. The Government Amendment to the Budget for 2006 implies no

  • Norm prices for Norwegian crude oil 3rd quarter 2005

    20/12/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The normprices are used as tax reference prices in the taxation of the crude oil producers on the Norwegian continental shelf and are set in arrears for every quarter. (20.12.05)

  • Realising the commercial potential of the sea

    17/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Government aims to bolster Norway's profile as a leading maritime nation, and is allocating funds to secure more knowledge about new marine species and the Arctic.

  • Stepping up funding for job creation and renewable energy

    12/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'Jobs must be created in developing countries if we are to succeed in combating poverty and achieving the sustainable development goals. This is why we are proposing to increase support for private-sector development by NOK 338 million in 2018,'

  • Efficient use of existing infrastructure on the Norwegian continental shelf

    20/12/2005 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has today laid down regulations relating to the use of facilities by others in the petroleum sector. 20.12.2005

  • Barents Council intensifies environmental efforts

    10/11/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    For the first time, the Council adopted measures to follow up the scientific report on climate change in the Barents Region and the recommendations submitted by the Arctic Council in November last year. The Barents Council has also decided to

  • Government to double support for Western Balkans

    12/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'Strengthening the rule of law and promoting democratic and economic development in the Western Balkans are very important. I am pleased to announce that the Government intends to double Norway's aid to the region from NOK 175 million in 2017 to NOK

  • Flag day in connection with the 60th anniversary of the UN

    20/10/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The UN has since the organisation was established been a cornerstone of Norwegian foreign policy. It is the world’s only global arena for resolving conflicts and problems that require joint solutions. (20.10)

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