Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 2741-2760 of 14287 results.

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  • Increased budget for peace, reconciliation and humanitarian assistance

    05/10/2007 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    In the government budget for 2008, the Government proposes that allocations for peace, human rights and humanitarian assistance be increased by NOK 306 million.

  • Norway to host NATO conference

    21/08/2007 News story Ministry of Defence

    Around 100 delegates from about 50 countries are expected in Oslo in mid-September when Norway is to host a major Partnership for Peace conference on the theme of defence policy and strategy. This is the first time such a conference has been held in

  • Norway to undertake debt-for-development swap with Pakistan

    03/11/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian Government today agreed to cancel USD 20 million of a total USD 46 million debt owed by Pakistan to Norway. In return, the Government of Pakistan has agreed to mobilise an equivalent amount of local currency for development and

  • Foreign Minister comments on Saddam Hussein verdict

    05/11/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    - It is positive that the case against Saddam Hussein has been resolved for the time being through the verdict handed down today. It is important that the defendants from the previous regime are being called to account for their crimes, and that

  • Norwegian force contributions to ISAF in Afghanistan

    06/11/2007 Press release Ministry of Defence

    The Government has decided to maintain the presence of Norwegian forces in the Faryab province in Northern Afghanistan through 2008, and will also strengthen the stabilization force (PRT) in Maymaneh with 2-3 helicopters, as well as an infantry unit

  • Former state Secretary Ole Morten Geving (Centre Party)

    Political staff Ministry of Finance

  • State Secretary Raymond Johansen visited NUPI

    04/10/2007 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Raymond Johansen held 4 October a speech on peace and security challenges in Africa at NUPI (The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs). Read the speech here.

  • Melting Ice—A Hot Topic? New UNEP Report Shows Just How Hot It’s Getting

    04/06/2007 Press release Ministry of the Environment

    Tromso/Nairobi, 4 June 2007 — The futures of hundreds of millions of people across the world will be affected by declines in snow cover, sea ice, glaciers, permafrost and lake ice a new and unique report launched to mark World Environment Day (WED)

  • Acting state secrertary in FKD

    08/12/2006 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Ms. Kari-Anne Opsal, political advisor in the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, has been appointed acting state secretary in the same ministry from 1 December and for the rest of the duration of Minister Pedersen's leave of absence.

  • Norway submits documentation on the extent of its continental shelf

    27/11/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway submitted documentation on the extent of its continental shelf in the High North in New York today. - This is a historic day for Norwegian High North policy. We are laying the foundation for establishing finally the extent of the coastal

  • Norway protests against expulsion of the Norwegian Refugee Council from Darfur

    07/12/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is spearheading a joint protest together with the EU, the USA and Canada. The NRC was coordinator of the largest camp for internally displaced persons in South Darfur, and was primarily responsible for the protection of vulnerable groups.

  • Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem acts to hinder human trafficking

    29/06/2006 Press release Ministry of Children and Equality

    Minister of Children and Equality Karita Bekkemellem today launched the campaign "Stop Human Trafficking" as a part of a Government action plan. The object is to change attitudes by casting light on the connection between the sex trade and human

  • Minister of Petroleum and Energy to visit Qatar

    16/02/2007 News story Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Mr. Odd Roger Enoksen, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, will visit Qatar during the period between the 19th and the 21st of February.

  • Minister of Children and Equality, Karita Bekkemellem, is blogging at Gender in Norway this week.

    05/03/2007 News story Ministry of Children and Equality

    In connection with the celebration of the International Women's Day, the Minister of Children and Equality, Karita Bekkemellem, is blogging at Gender in Norway, Gender.no, this week.

  • More people may quarantine in their own home

    04/06/2021 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    On 27 May, the quarantine hotel programme was changed, so that the rate of infection in the country a person has visited now determines whether they must stay at a quarantine hotel or not.

  • Norway and China have signed an agreement on enhanced cooperation in the petroleum sector

    16/01/2009 News story Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    During her visit to China this week, Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy Liv Monica Stubholt signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the Petroleum Sector together with Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform

  • New possibilities in the north – 22nd licensing round

    26/06/2012 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Today the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is announcing the 22nd licensing round, which includes 86 blocks or parts of blocks in the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea. These include 72 blocks in the Barents Sea and 14 blocks in the Norwegian Sea. The

  • Changes among the political advisers

    04/10/2012 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Political adviser Sindre Fossum Beyer will from today be acting State Secretary for Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg during State Secretary Hans Kristian Amundsen’s leave of absence. Anne Marie Aanerud is new political adviser to Minister of

  • Norway provides humanitarian relief to Gaza

    30/12/2008 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government decided today to provide NOK 30 million in immediate humanitarian relief in connection with the assaults in Gaza. “We are extremely concerned about the precarious humanitarian situation in Gaza,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

  • Former Minister of Labour Anniken Huitfeldt (Labour Party)

    Ministers Ministry of Labour

    The Minister of Labour has the main responsibility for labour market policy, working environment and safety policy, pensions policy, and welfare and social policy.

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