Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 2901-2920 of 14287 results.

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  • Resources

    17/07/2013 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Relevant reports For reports regarding commercial investments, click here. Other relevant reports will be published here. Norwegian resources Several Norwegian institutions work with renewable energy in developing countries. The Clean Energy for

  • Indicators

    19/08/2014 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems will be developed at sectoral level, and will provide data on results achieved in terms of increased access to sustainable energy services and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Indicators are

  • Hydropower Summit 2020

    05/02/2020 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    State Secretary Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen gave this speech at the Hydropower Summit 2020 in Trondheim og February 3rd 2020.

    By State Secretary Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen

  • Report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

    07/11/2017 Speech/statement Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Ministry of Justice and Public Security continues to oversee the development and implementation of new measures to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence.

  • Speech at the AHLC Ministerial Meeting in New York

    18/09/2017 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Statement by Norway at the AHLC Ministerial Meeting in New York, 18 September 2017.

    By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende AHLC Ministerial Meeting in New York, 18 September 2017

  • Address at The Norwegian Helsinki Committee's 40th anniversary

    23/11/2017 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide celebrated The Norwegian Helsinki Committee's 40th anniversary 23 November.

    By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide Oslo, 23 November

  • Opening address at Talking Barents

    30/03/2017 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende's opening address at Talking Barents.

    By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende Arkhangelsk, 29 March 2017

  • New retrievement of seeds from Svalbard Global Seed Vault to replace Alleppo gene bank

    06/09/2017 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    At the same time when ICARDA brings back to the Seed Vault 7 511 samples from last years multiplication of seeds at their stations in Lebanon and Morocco, 52 451 seeds samples, initially sent to the Svalbard from their gene bank in Aleppo, Syria, is

  • Ending violence against women and girls

    31/10/2019 Speech/statement Ministry of Culture

    Violence against women and girls remains one of the most serious and widespread human rights problems of our time. It is also one of the most underreported forms of crime.

    By Former State Secretary Frida Blomgren Beijing +25 Regional Review Meeting 29-30 October 2019

  • The Norwegian government invites you to take part in the fight against antimicrobial resistance

    19/05/2017 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    The fight against antimicrobial resistance cannot be won by a single country. That is why the Norwegian Minister of Health- and Care Services, Mr. Bent Høie, the Minister of Agriculture and Food Mr. Jon Georg Dale and the Minister of Fisheries Mr.

  • Nordic solutions. Parental leave - a key to prosperity

    21/09/2017 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs  Børge Brende's address at a high level panel on gender equality at the UN General Assembly in New York.

    By Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende New York, 21 September

  • Norway chairs important meeting on Middle East in London

    30/04/2008 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Friday 2 May the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) of donors to the Palestinians meet in London. The London meeting is a follow-up to the ministerial level donor meeting in New York in September and the large donor conference in Paris in December last

  • Citizen Portal Mypage launched

    18/12/2006 Press release Ministry of Government Administration and Reform

    Each Norwegian citizen now has his/her own customized public service web portal called Mypage. The personal portal offers a dialogue with public authorities and makes it easier to find the services each individual might be looking for, without

  • Factsheet - Maternal Mortality

    28/10/2013 Article Office of the Prime Minister

    MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOAL 5: IMPROVING MATERNAL HEALTH The challenge – Making pregnancy safer Statistics on maternal disabilities and illnesses are appalling in countries with high mortality, with often life long disabilities in survivors. For

  • International ban on cluster munitions

    29/05/2008 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “In keeping with its policy platform, the Government took the initiative for a ban on cluster munitions a year and a half ago. I am delighted to see that we already seem to have a ban in place,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

  • Changes among the political advisors

    21/09/2007 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Due to today’s changes in the Government, the Office of the Prime Minister has honourably discharged the following political advisors from their posts in the ministries, as of today at 1 pm: Mr. Geir Pollestad - Ministry of Local Government and

  • Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa new Government minister

    21/09/2007 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    As Minister of Petroleum and Energy Odd Roger Enoksen has wanted to leave the Government, the Crown Prince Regent has in today’s session of the Council of State appointed Ms. Åslaug Haga - until now Minister of Local Government and Regional

  • Anne Lund new Director General of the Human and Financial Resources Department

    04/01/2007 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has appointed Anne Lund as Director General of the Human and Financial Resources Department from Monday 8 January. (05.01.07)

  • NOTCH 07 Nordic Chinese Music Festival

    02/10/2007 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The NOTCH - NOrdic + CHinese festival fuses the cutting-edge Nordic music, art and cultural scene with the vibrant grassroots cultural scene in China.

  • Norwegian Prime Minister offers condolences to President Bush

    14/11/2001 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 227/2001 Date: 13 November 2001 Norwegian Prime Minister offers condolences to President Bush Norway’s Prime Minister, Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik, on Tuesday sent the following message to the US President, Mr. George W. Bush: “Dear

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