Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 3061-3080 of 14287 results.

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  • FAO Regional Conference, 24th session, Montpellier, France, 5-7 May 2004

    05/05/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture

    FAO Regional Conference, 24th session, Montpellier, France, 5 -7 May 2004 Statement by Mr. Leif Helge Kongshaug, State Secretary for Agriculture in Norway. Agenda item 5 World Food Summit follow-up. Honourable Ministers, Mr Director General, Your

  • Political Advisor Trond Ivar Bækken (Centre Party)

    Political staff Ministry of Justice and Public Security
    Trond Ivar Bækken er politisk rådgiver for justis- og beredskapsminister Emilie Enger Mehl.

    Trond Ivar Bækken is Political Advisor for The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Emilie Enger Mehl.

    Appointed: 02/01/2023
    Left: 01/01/2024

  • Norway Daily No. 203/00

    23/10/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 203 /00 Date: 23 October 2000 CENTRAL BANK CAUTIONS AGAINST TAX ON DIVIDENDS (Dagens Næringsliv/Saturday) In its annual letter to the Ministry of Finance commenting on the

  • Political Adviser Peter Eide Walseth (Labour Party)

    Political staff Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
    Portrettbilde Peter

    Appointed: 14/10/2021
    Left: 06/05/2022

  • Local Government Act

    15/11/2012 Law

    Unofficial translations to English: Local Government Act, 25 Sep. 1992 No. 107. Updated with all amendments enacted up to 7 January 2005 (pdf) Local Government Act, 25 Sep. 1992 No. 107. Updated with all amendments enacted up to 1 July 2012 (pdf)

  • Norway Daily No. 179/00

    19/09/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No.179/00 Date: 19 September 2000 TRUCKERS FRIGHTENED OFF BY POLICE (Aftenposten) The nationwide blockade of fuel distribution facilities broke down before it got off the ground

  • Norway Daily No. 81/00

    27/04/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 81/00 Date: 27 April 2000 NORWEGIAN OFFICIALS TO VISIT ZIMBABWE (Dagsavisen) A Norwegian delegation of seven or eight will leave for Zimbabwe on 1 May for a look at the

  • Norway Daily No. 187/00

    29/09/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 187/00 Date: 29 September 2000 ONLY CHR.DEMOCRATS BENEFIT FROM ALLIANCE (Aftenposten) The Centre Party and the Liberals are increasingly anxious about the state of the

  • Norway Daily No. 176/00

    14/09/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 176/00 Date: 14 September 2000 JAGLAND DROPS EFFORTS FOR VOLLEBÆK (Aftenposten) For all practical purposes, Minister of Foreign Affairs Thorbjørn Jagland has given up his

  • Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg: Speech at dinner for president Michelle Bachelet, Chile

    31/05/2007 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    It is a great honour to welcome the President of Chile and her delegation to this dinner here tonight. Your visit is greatly appreciated and it underscores the excellent relations between our two countries. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said in

  • Turning Committments into Action – Working Together in Partnership

    09/05/2007 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    - The environmental movement gained a real international breakthrough 20 years ago, when the World Commission on Environment and Development put sustainable development onto the global agenda, Minister of International Development, Erik Solheim said

    By Former Minister of the Environment and International Development Erik Solheim

  • Norwegian participation in the EU’s rapid reaction forces

    06/12/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Defence

    (30 November 2004) Defence Minister Kristin Krohn Devold's statement to the Storting, concerning Norwegian participation in the EU’s rapid reaction forces and the framework agreement for Norway’s participation in the EU’s crisis management

  • What Defines an Indigenous People?

    05/03/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    What Defines an Indigenous People? By State Secretary Anders Eira, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Artikkelen på norsk Artikkelen på samisk No general, internationally accepted definition of indigenous peoples exists. It is

  • "The Marco Polo programme in the perspectives of national transport policies and programmes"

    25/06/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Transport and Communications

    Speach held by Political adviser Alfred Bjørlo at the Marco Polo Seminar 24 June 2004 ( 25.06.04)

  • Norway's action plan for Substainable Development

    23/04/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Statement by Deputy Minister Ms. Thorhild Widvey at the Commission on Substainable Development, 12 th Session, UN, New York on 23 April. (26.04.04)

  • Norway Daily No. 68/00

    05/04/2000 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Royal Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Oslo Press Division Norway Daily No. 68/00 Date: 5 April 2000 FIRE STARTED IN UNION LEADER’S HOME (Aftenposten) Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) president Yngve Hågensen’s house caught fire

  • Nordic - Baltic Ministerial Meeting on Cooperation on Drug Abuse Control

    24/09/2003 Speech/statement Sosialdepartementet

    Nordic – Baltic Ministerial Meeting on Cooperation on Drug Abuse Control Preliminary draft statement by Mrs. Ingjerd Schou, Minister of Social Affairs, atLund,Sweden,24 September 2003. Mr. Chairman, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I commend you,

  • Opening Conference for the Glitterbird project — “Glitterbird — art for the very young”

    25/06/2004 Speech/statement Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs

    State Secretary Yngve Slettholm Opening Conference for the Glitterbird project – “Glitterbird – art for the very young” Oslo University College, 25 th> June 2004 Ladies and Gentlemen, Guests, Participants, Project Managers, It is a great pleasure

  • Gender analysis and gender budgeting: tools for economic development

    08/06/2006 Speech/statement Ministry of Children and Equality

    The state budget is an immensely powerful instrument. We should use it actively to promote gender equality.

  • G-28/2021 – Revised circular relating to entry into force of the Regulations relating to entry restrictions for foreign nationals out of concern for public health

    27/07/2021 Circular Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    G-28/2021 – Revidert rundskriv om ikrafttredelse av forskrift om innreiserestriksjoner for utlendinger av hensyn til folkehelsen.pdf

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  • Page 154 of 715