Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 3221-3240 of 14287 results.

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  • Possibility for disciplinary measures against ambassador Juul

    01/05/2002 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Wednesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Ambassador Mona Juul that the ministry will begin evaluating the possibility of taking disciplinary measures in accordance with section 14 of the Civil Service Act.

  • Norwegian Prime Minister offers condolences to Sri Lanka

    13/08/2005 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 147/2005 Date: 13.08.2005 Norwegian Prime Minister offers condolences to Sri Lanka Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik of Norway today sent the following letter of condolences to president Kumaratunga: "Dear President Kumaratunga,

  • Evaluation of the International Humanitarian Assistance of the Norwegian Red Cross

    07/06/2002 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • World Press Freedom Day 2016

    03/05/2016 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Today, World Press Freedom Day is being celebrated with more than 100 events all over the world. The overarching theme for this year's international event is access to information and fundamental freedoms.

  • Information about the commemoration in the Government Administration Complex on 22 July

    17/07/2015 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    Practical information and program for the commemoration in the Government Administration Complex on 22 July at 09.30.

  • New measures to fight global security challenges

    19/06/2015 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende has announced that Norway will allocate NOK 200 million annually to the fight against terrorism, organised crime, piracy and cyber threats.

  • Norway provides NOK 1 billion to Syria and its neighbouring countries

    12/05/2015 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'The civil war in Syria has resulted in one of the largest humanitarian crises since the Second World War. In the revised budget, the Government proposes an increase in Norway's support to Syria and its neighbouring countries of NOK 250 million.

  • Sri Lanka Geneva, February 22-23 2006, Registration/Accreditation

    17/02/2006 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Journalists wishing access to the media opportunities in connection with the talks must register at secretariat@csp.ge.ch and obtain a valid accreditation card. (17.02.06)

  • Change among the political advisers

    10/06/2015 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    The Office of the Prime Minister has appointed Ms Sara Økland (20) as political adviser to Minister of Transport and Communications, Ketil Solvik-Olsen, from 10 June 2015.

    Starting 29 June 2015, Ms. Iris Aunvik Tveten is appointed as

  • South Sudan’s expulsion of UN employee unacceptable

    02/06/2015 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The South Sudanese authorities have decided to expel the UN Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in South Sudan, Toby Lanzer. ‘The expulsion of Toby Lanzer is unacceptable, and we urge South Sudan to

  • Norway and the EU: A strong energy partnership

    01/06/2015 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    On Monday 1 June the Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tord Lien and the EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, met in Norway for the annual EU-Norway Energy Dialogue meeting.

  • Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Tokyo Donor Conference

    28/04/2006 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Co-Chairs reiterated their deep concern at the recent deterioration of the situation in Sri Lanka, condemning all acts of violence and calling on this to stop, at the meeting in Oslo hosted by Minister of International Development, Mr.

  • Norway condemns use of cluster munitions in Yemen

    11/05/2015 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Human Rights Watch reports that it has found credible evidence that cluster munitions have been used in the conflict in Yemen. 'Norway condemns all use of cluster munitions,' said Foreign Minister Børge Brende.

  • Change among the political advisers

    30/03/2016 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    The Office of the Prime Minister has as of 27 May 2016 appointed Ms. Ragnhild Berg Nilsen as acting political adviser to Minister of EEA and EU Affairs Elisabeth Aspaker.

  • Coastal states decide on measures to combat unregulated fishing in the Arctic Ocean

    16/07/2015 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway and the other coastal states to the central Arctic Ocean, Canada, Denmark, Russia and the US, have signed a declaration on research cooperation and measures to combat unregulated fishing in the international part of the central Arctic Ocean.

  • Norway and Colombia join forces to protect rainforest

    16/06/2015 Press release Ministry of Climate and Environment

    - Colombia's rainforests are unique, and Colombia is demonstrating political will to tackle deforestation. Our goal is to establish a climate and forest partnership by the end of the year, ideally together with other partners. Such a partnership

  • New and improved version of NorwegianPetroleum.no

    16/03/2016 News story Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The content about Norwegian petroleum activities is updated. The website is also improved to give a better user experience and overview of contents, especially on mobile phones.

  • Norway allocates NOK 35 million for emergency measures in Greece

    03/03/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway has decided to allocate a total of NOK 35 million for emergency measures to address the migration crisis in Greece.

  • Norway condemns killing of activists in Bangladesh

    27/04/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘I deeply deplore the killings in Bangladesh, and my thoughts are with the victims’ families and loved ones. Bangladesh has a long and proud tradition of being an open and diverse society, but these killings pose a threat to freedom of expression.

  • Norway welcomes pardoning decree in Azerbaijan

    17/03/2016 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'I am very pleased that a number of prisoners who have been prominent social activists and human rights defenders have today been pardoned in Azerbaijan. The work of activists such as these is essential for building a society based on human rights,

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