Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 3341-3360 of 14287 results.

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  • Change of political advisor in Ministry of Transport

    26/11/2004 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 200/2004 Date: 26 November 2004 Change of political advisor in Ministry of Transport The Office of the Prime Minister has from 29 November 2004 appointed Mr. Sverre Molandsveen (31), acting political advisor, Oslo, as political

  • Norway supports deployment of additional human rights observers to Darfur

    27/09/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is contributing an additional NOK 1.7 million to the deployment to Darfur of observers from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (28.09)

  • Norway and EU agree on regulation of herring fishery

    13/12/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    - The Government is pleased that Norway and the EU have reached an agreement on Norwegian spring-spawning herring, said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. - In addition to providing a framework for sustainable catches of this stock in the long

  • MoU on use of EEA funds to be signed in Estonia on 17 November

    16/11/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Over a five-year period, EUR 22.7 million will be made available for projects in Estonia. State Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Traavik will sign the agreement on behalf of the Norwegian government. (17.11)

  • The Ny-Ålesund Symposium, Kings Bay 79º North, Statement

    06/03/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Ny-Ålesund Symposium, Kings Bay 79º North, Statement Scientists, politicians and members of the business community met in Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard between 2 and 4 March 2006 to discuss the challenges and opportunities for economy, society and

  • President Arafat’s death

    11/11/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    - I was greatly saddened by the news of President Yasser Arafat’s death. Our thoughts and deepest sympathy go today to the Palestinian people and to President Arafat’s family and close friends, said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. (12.11)

  • Foreign Minister Jan Petersen condemns suicide bombings in Beersheba

    31/08/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “We are deeply grieved by the news of the suicide bombings in Beersheba, and strongly condemn such actions,” said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen in comments to the press on the two suicide bombings that took place in the southern Israeli city on

  • «Defence and security: perspectives and priorities»

    05/02/1996 Speech/statement Forsvarsdepartementet

  • Tax Exemption for Companies’ Income from Shares

    26/03/2004 Press release Ministry of Finance

    In its white paper on taxation presented today, the Government proposes that companies’ income from shares will be exempted from taxation. At the same time the right of companies to deduct losses on shares will be abolished. The intention is to

  • Norway to provide NOK 30 million for school meals in Mali

    13/09/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Funding from Norway will be used to provide nutritious school meals to some 55 000 children in conflict-torn Mali. ‘Malnourished children have problems learning, no matter how good the teaching is. If children are given school meals, their parents

  • 11 years since hostilities in Georgia in August 2008

    07/08/2019 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The conflict over Georgia’s occupied regions must not be forgotten. Eleven years on, Russian troops remain on Georgian soil and the conflict is still unresolved. Once again we call on Russia to comply with the August 2008 ceasefire agreement and

  • The government proposes additional allocation of NOK 300 million for assistance for disaster victims

    11/10/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The government will submit a proposal to the Storting for an additional development assistance allocation of NOK 300 million for the victims of natural disasters. According to the proposal, the main share would be earmarked for those affected by

  • New agreement with World Bank steps up tax assistance efforts

    12/09/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘Sound, transparent tax systems that increase government revenue and improve the distribution of wealth are essential for the very poorest countries to achieve poverty reduction and sustainable development. Through this agreement with the World Bank

  • Norway to lead UN’s central platform for development policy

    25/07/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Mona Juul, Norway’s Ambassador to the UN, was today elected President of the UN Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) for a one-year period.

  • Countercyclical buffer unchanged

    20/06/2019 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Today, the Ministry of Finance has decided not to change the countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks.

  • Emergency relief to hurricane victims in Central America

    07/10/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The relief, NOK 3 million, will be channelled through Save the Children, the Norwegian Red Cross, Norwegian People’s Aid and the UN. (10.10)

  • Prime Minister expresses congratulations at royal birth

    21/01/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik has this comment following today's report from the Royal Palace that Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway has given birth to a daughter. (21.01.04)

  • Consultations held in the WTO with European Communities 30 March 2005 - Definitive Safeguard Measure on Salmon

    31/03/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Consultations on EC safeguard measures on Salmon 30 March failed to settle the dispute. Norway will hence continue to pursue the matter in the WTO. (31.03)

  • New political advisor in Ministry of Justice

    07/01/2005 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 8/2005 Date: 7 January 2005 New political advisor in Ministry of Justice The Office of the Prime Minister has from 10 January 2005 appointed Ms. Kjersti Malene Høgestøl (24), political advisor, Oslo, as political advisor to Mr.

  • Anniken Hauglie political advisor in the Ministry of Social Affairs

    13/12/2002 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 190/2002 Date: 13 December 2002 Anniken Hauglie political advisor in the Ministry of Social Affairs The Office of the Prime Minister has appointed Ms. Anniken Hauglie (30), political advisor, Oslo, as political advisor in the

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