Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 781-800 of 14287 results.

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  • Foreign Minister Jan Petersen congratulates Wangari Maathai on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2004

    08/10/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The award of this year’s Peace Prize (photo: Ole Danbolt Mjøs and Geir Lundestad) to Professor Maathai from Kenya is a very welcome and well-deserved recognition of her many years of tireless struggle for the environment, development,

  • Launching a new program for petroleum research

    08/10/2003 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    In the proposed budget for 2004 the Norwegian Government increases the grant for research and development in the petroleum sector with 28.5 million Norwegian kroner (NOK). (08.10.03)

  • Norwegian Foreign Minister Petersen condemns planned execution in Iran

    21/12/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    We have made a formal protest to the Ambassador of Iran in Oslo. We will also align ourselves with the demarche by the EU to the Iranian authorities in Teheran, said the minister. (21.12)

  • Norwegian support to UN Security Council resolution concerning the ICTY and ICTR

    26/03/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway welcomes the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council the 26. March of a resolution reaffirming the international community’s continued resolve to bring fugitive indictees to justice. (29.03.04)

  • Nominations for the 18th Licensing Round

    04/08/2003 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received nominations from 14 companies regarding blocks to be included in the 18 th> licensing round on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). (04.08.03)

  • 18th licensing round — invitation to nominate blocks

    06/03/2003 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy invites the oil companies on the Norwegian continental shelf to nominate blocks and/or block combinations they would like to include in the 18 th> licensing round. ( 06.03.2003 )

  • Foreign Minister Petersen welcomes Cyprus peace plan

    02/04/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    "The peace plan is a unique opportunity that I hope the Cypriots will seize", said the Foreign Minister. (05.04.04)

  • T-1311 Norway's action plan for hazardous substances

    01/12/1999 Report Miljøverndepartementet

    Download plan (pdf) The most serious threats to sustainable development at the turn of the century are the global dispersal of hazardous chemical substances, climate change and the loss of biodiversity. The insidious contamination of water, soils

  • The Norwegian government orders five frigates

    29/02/2000 Press release Forsvarsdepartementet

    Pressemelding Nr.: 11/2000 Dato: 29 February 2000 The Norwegian government orders five frigates from Empreza Nacional Bazan (Spain) The Government has selected EN Bazan as prime contractor for five new frigates for the Navy. The contract with Bazan

  • Norway’s cooperation with the EU on the fight against terrorism

    04/01/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway has previously aligned itself with the EU’s list of persons, organisations and entities set out in the Common Position on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism. Following an overall assessment, the government has

  • Invitaton to the press, Ministeral Meeting - Bergen

    06/09/2000 Press release Ministry of the Environment

    More than 20 environment ministers from all parts of the world will meet in Bergen 15 - 17 >September to discuss environment and development issues high on the international agenda. The event will start with the launch of the World Resources

  • New State Secretaries

    24/03/2000 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Pressemelding Nr.: 41/2000 Dato: 24 March 2000 New State Secretaries In today’s session of the Council of State, the King has appointed the following state secretaries: Mr. Norvald Mo (46), head of division, Oslo, and Ms. Hege Marie Norheim (32),

  • Norwegian authorities react to Russian demands

    07/09/2006 Press release Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

    Norwegian authorities received a letter on 7 September from the Russian veterinary authorities, which sets out requirements for seafood exports that may jeopardise all fish exports from Norway to Russia. These requirements apply to both fresh

  • Political advisors

    18/05/1999 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press Release No: 81/1999 Date: 18 May 1999 Political advisors Following the appointment from 12 May of Ms. Guri Størvold (22), student, Oslo, as political advisor in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, the list of political

  • The Government opens up for a sale of the State's stake in Christiania Bank

    22/05/2000 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Press release No.: 37/2000 Date: 22.05.00 The Government opens up for a sale of the State’s stake in Christiania Bank The Government concludes that the work carried out by the Government Bank Investment Fund (GBIF) has shown that it is not yet

  • Norway condemns the latest acts of violence in Sri Lanka

    11/04/2006 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The media report heavy loss of life in a new Claymore mine attack 11 April. This is the third such attack in the last three days in which people have been killed or seriously injured. (12.04.06)

  • Use of natural gas in Norway

    04/10/2000 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Press Release No.: 67/00 Date: 04.10.2000 Contact: Ingvild Haug, +47 22 24 61 07 Use of natural gas in Norway The Government wants to use more natural gas within the country. In the 2001 budget the Government proposes to support the building of a

  • Foreign Minister Jagland's statement to the 57th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights.

    29/03/2001 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Thorbjørn Jagland Statement to the 57 th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights New York, 29 March 2001 Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to be here at the Commission on

  • New Act on the Right to Environmental Information

    20/09/2002 Press release Ministry of the Environment

    The Norwegian Government today submitted a proposal for a new Act on the Right to Environmental Information. It provides all citizens with a legal right to obtain environmental information, both from public authorities and from public and

  • Statement at United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS

    25/06/2001 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Minister of International Development Anne Kristin Sydnes Statement at United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS New York, 25 June 2001 Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, AIDS is a development catastrophe. In

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