Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 13701-13720 of 14287 results.

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  • Strong interest in further exploration of the Norwegian continental shelf

    15/01/2013 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The Ministry is offering shares in 51 new production licences to 40 companies in connection with the 2012 Awards in Predefined Areas (APA 2012).

  • Towards becoming Europe’s most modern navy

    15/09/2010 News story Ministry of Defence

    “This is a big and important day for Norway as a coastal nation. We have much to defend, and with HNoMS Storm and the Skjold Class we are better equipped than ever before,” says State Secretary Roger Ingebrigtsen who was attending the naming

  • Historic cancellation of Myanmar’s debt to Norway

    28/01/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway has decided to cancel the whole of Myanmar’s debt to Norway. The total amount is NOK 3.2 billion. Minister of International Development Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås commented, “This is historic, not only for Myanmar, but also for Norway. This is

  • Norway’s WHO strategy

    13/09/2010 Press release Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Norway has a seat on the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) from May 2010 to May 2013. In connection with this, the Norwegian Government has developed a WHO strategy.

  • The maritime reputation project

    16/10/2013 Article Ministry of Trade and Industry

    The maritime reputation project has its origins in the government's maritime strategy "Steady as she goes".

  • Norway condemns North Korean nuclear test

    12/02/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “Norway condemns the nuclear test carried out by North Korea in the strongest possible terms. We are concerned about the implications this may have for regional security in Asia,” said Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.

  • Invitation to tender on the helicopter route Værnes - Bodø

    26/08/2010 Press release Ministry of Transport and Communications

    The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications invites airlines in all EAA countries to an open tender procedure for regional scheduled air services on the helicopter route Værnes - Bodø during the period 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2014.

  • Legal issues relating to the management and development of international waters

    29/11/2001 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Opening statement at The International Water Academy by Mr. Olav Kjørven, State Secretary for International Development

  • The 2nd International Oil Summit

    26/04/2001 Speech/statement Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Speech given by the State Secretary, Bjørg Sandal at The 2 nd> International Oil Summit Paris, 25 April 2001 Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen! It is a pleasure and privilege to be here at the Oil Summit to address some of the key oil issues seen

  • Enlighten! Empower! Engage!- Fighting AIDS with Women's Ways

    07/09/2001 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Speech by Minister of International Development, Anne Kristin Sydnes, at International workshop for Red Cross/Red Crescent women leaders and youth; Prevention, care and stigma reduction in the field of HIV/AIDS, in Oslo 7 September.

  • Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik: Dinner Speech to Prime Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda of Slovakia

    13/11/2001 Speech/statement The Office of the Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik Speech at Dinner in honour of His Excellency Mr Mikuláš Dzurinda, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, and Mrs Eva Dzurindová Akershus Castle, Oslo, 13 November 2001 Dear Prime Minister, Mrs Dzurindová,

    By Former Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

  • Nordic Prime Ministers' meeting and Nordic/South African summit

    08/05/2002 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 79/2002 Date: 8 May 2002 To the editor: Nordic Prime Ministers’ meeting and Nordic/South African summit It is now clear that it will be possible to carry through the summer meeting of the Nordic Prime Ministers in Molde, Norway 12

  • Norway signs UN protocol on firearms

    15/04/2002 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Press release No.: 75/02 Date: 15 April 2002 Norway signs UN protocol on firearms The Government decided today that Norway will sign the UN Protocol of 31 May 2001 against the Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and

  • Norway Supports a Permanent Seat for India in the United Nations Security Council

    20/04/2001 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 77/2001 Date: 20 April 2001 Norway Supports a Permanent Seat for India in the United Nations Security Council Norway supports a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council. This was emphasised by Prime Minister

  • More favourable tax rules for LNG-production

    08/10/2001 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Pressemelding Nr.: 82/2001 Dato: 08.10.01 Contact: Anne-Sissel Skånvik, telephone +47 22 24 41 09 More favourable tax rules for LNG-production The Ministry of Finance has submitted a proposal for general amendments in the Petroleum Taxation Act. The

  • The Norwegian Labour Market 2000

    There is an increased focus on employment policies in the European Union after the adoption of the Amsterdam Treaty. This report aims to make information on Norwegian employment and labour market policies more accessible to an international audience.

    24/08/2000 Report Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet

    The Norwegian Labour Market 2000Following the increased focus on employment policies in the European Union after the adoption of the Amsterdam treaty, this report aims to make information on Norwegian employment and labour market policies more

  • Protection of coastal sites in the Norwegian county of Nordland

    15/01/2003 Press release Ministry of the Environment

    The Norwegian government has today designated 74 sites, covering a total area of about 977 square kilometres, for inclusion in the coastal protection plan for Nordland county. The coast of Nordland is rich in natural habitats of international

  • Opening address at "the First meeting in the Board of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) " - Political Adviser Jo Stein Moen

    17/07/2000 Speech/statement Ministry of the Environment

    Political Adviser Jo Stein Moen, The Minstry of Environment Opening address at the First meeting in the Board of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) in Trondheim, 17`th of July 2000 Dear members of the Board of the Millennium Ecosystem

  • Statement at United Nations general assembly special session to counter the world drug problem

    10/06/1998 Speech/statement Sosial- og helsedepartementet

    New York, 8. - 10. June, 1998 Minister of Social Affairs of Norway, Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa: Statement at United Nations general assembly special session to counter the world drug problem Check against delivery Mr President, Excellencies,

  • Expanded Utstein group wishes to build broad alliances to fight poverty

    23/09/2003 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This was stressed when the ministers met in Dubai on 21 September in connection with the annual meetings of the World Bank and the IMF. (23.09.03)

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