Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 13781-13800 of 14287 results.

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  • Statement regarding a Nordic-Baltic financial crisis simulation

    31/01/2019 News story Ministry of Finance

    The Nordic and Baltic financial stability authorities have conducted a joint financial crisis management exercise. The exercise was held from 22 to 23 January 2019 and involved 31 authorities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia,

  • Benedicte Bjørnland appointed as new Police Commissioner

    20/12/2018 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government has appointes Marie Benedicte Bjørnland som ny as Commissioner for the National Police Directorate.

  • Norway calls on Pakistan and India to show restraint

    01/03/2019 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘I am deeply concerned by the dangerous deterioration in relations between India and Pakistan following the terrorist attack on 14 February. Norway urges the parties to show restraint to prevent an escalation of the situation, and to resume

  • Agriculture in a changing world

    06/03/1998 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture

    Agriculture in a changing word OECD Ministerial Meeting 5-6 March 1998 Statement by Mr. Kåre Gjønnes Minister of Agriculture, Norway Honourable Ministers, The world is continuously changing, and on the eve of a new millennium agriculture faces a

  • Groundbreaking Ceremony - Scandinavian Casting Center

    03/09/1996 Speech/statement Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet

    Minister of Local Government and Labour Gunnar Berge Ministry of local government and labour Groundbreaking Ceremony - Scandinavian Casting Center Statement in Lista 3th september Dear Mr. Witt, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great

  • CSD-12 Chair Brende urges Governments to embark on a decade of implementation

    28/04/2004 Press release Ministry of the Environment

    Highlighting the need to speed up efforts in delivering safe drinking water, basic sanitation and shelter for the poor, Norwegian Minister of the Environment, Børge Brende, Chair of CSD-12, calls for a decade of implementation. UN

  • An aid boost for Africa — New benchmarks for assistance to low-income countries

    21/08/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    By the end of the next parliamentary period, 65 per cent of Norwegian development assistance will go to Africa, and a total of 70 per cent to low-income countries in general, the Government announced Sunday. (23.08)

  • White paper on opportunities and challenges in the northern areas

    15/04/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    A white paper entitled Opportunities and Challenges in the North (Report No. 30 (2004-2005) to the Storting) was presented to the Council of State today. In the white paper, the Government gives an account of the new opportunities and

  • Norway enters into partnership with the UN Tax Committee

    15/07/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Today, on 15 July, Norway and the United Nations marked the start of a new partnership on strengthening international tax policy and enhancing domestic tax capacity. Norway will provide a total of NOK 35 million to the UN Tax Trust Fund over the

  • Media Programme for Foreign Minister Jan Petersen - UN General Assembly 60

    13/09/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Media Programme for Foreign Minister Jan Petersen - UN General Assembly 60 New York, 13 - 26 September 2005 Tuesday 13 September (3:00 PM Opening of UN General Assembly 60) Wednesday 14 September 9:00 AM: Summit Opening 10:00 AM: Press meeting -

  • Launch of initiative to negotiate an Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability

    25/09/2019 News story The Office of the Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced on 25 September the launch of an initiative - together with New Zealand, Costa Rica, Fiji and Iceland - to negotiate an Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability.

  • Announcement about Venezuela

    18/07/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The representatives of the main political actors in Venezuela are continuing the negotiations that were initiated in Oslo within the framework of a negotiation table that works in a continuous and efficient manner.

  • Extension of the Grey Zone Agreement

    28/06/2004 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The essence of this agreement is that in the area in question (known as the “grey zone”), both countries are to refrain from conducting inspections or from exercising any form of control over the other country’s fishing vessels (28.06)

  • 30.6 billion for defence

    17/11/2005 Press release Ministry of Defence

    The Government will allocate NOK 30.6 billion to defence in 2006. This means that the high level of the defence budget recommended by the Bondevik II administration will be maintained. Modernisation of the Armed Forces will continue and more

  • Norwegian Government Proposes Significant Boost in Defence Expenditures

    12/10/2017 Press release Ministry of Defence

    The Norwegian government continues to give priority to the defence sector in its annual budget proposal through a NOK 3 billion increase in 2018. It shows the government’s commitment to increase defence spending every year to meet the ambitions set

  • New state secretaries

    28/10/2005 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 192/2005 Date: 28 October 2005 New state secretaries In today's session of the Council of State, the Crown Prince Regent has appointed the following state secretaries in the ministries: Ms. Liv Monica Bargem Stubholt (44),

  • More money for rainforests

    12/10/2017 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The government proposes to grant 3 billion Norwegian kroner on next year's budget to help preserving rainforests. This is an increase from 2017 of 118 million Norwegian kroner.

  • Norway deeply concerned about political developments in Ethiopia

    04/11/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway strongly deplore the excessive use of violence by the police, and that the Ethiopian authorities have arrested the entire leadership of the country’s largest opposition party and representatives of the trade unions and the media. (04.11)

  • Knowledge regarding climate change and green competitiveness

    12/10/2017 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The government will strengthen climate research. The budget proposes to increase the allocation by NOK 20 million towards research that can lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions, especially from transport and agriculture.

  • New political advisor

    26/10/2005 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Press release No.: 191/2005 Date: 26 October 2005 New political advisor The Office of the Prime Minister has today appointed Mr. Roger Pedersen (33), press secretary, Oslo, as political advisor to Minister Øystein Djupedal. The Government represents

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