Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

Showing 1581-1600 of 14287 results.

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  • Starting the 24th licencing round - Invitation to nominations of blocks

    29/08/2016 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    The Government hereby invites oil companies to nominate blocks for the 24th licencing round on the Norwegian continental shelf. The numbered licencing rounds cover frontier areas opened for petroleum activities, with the greatest potential for large

  • Joint European effort for refugees to be priority for EEA and Norway Grants

    04/09/2015 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government is prepared to make a major contribution to a joint and intensified European effort to improve systems for receiving refugees and asylum-seekers in the years ahead. 'We will offer to provide funding for asylum and migration projects

  • AIM Norway established as a state-owned limited company

    27/09/2016 Press release Ministry of Defence

    Aerospace Industrial Maintenance Norway (AIM Norway) was today established as a state-owned limited company. The company will be better suited for commercial activities in the intentional defence market by opening up for a broader ownership

  • NOK 10 million to new pilot export programme for Norwegian computer games companies

    27/08/2015 Press release Ministry of Culture

    Today saw the launch of the Go Global Games pilot programme, a collaborative effort by the Ministry of Culture, the Norwegian Film Institute and Innovation Norway. The aim of the programme is to help Norwegian computer game companies to

  • Historic agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme

    14/07/2015 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘I welcome today’s agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme. This historic agreement will benefit the international community, the Middle East and Iran. It will also pave the way for closer political and economic contact with Iran,’ said Minister of

  • Norway condemns North Korea’s nuclear test

    09/09/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway condemns the nuclear test carried out by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) today. ‘The DPRK has once again defied a united international community by carrying out a fifth nuclear test,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge

  • Former State Secretary Marit Berger Røsland's speeches and articles

    List page Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • White Paper on Norway's energy policy: Power for Change

    15/04/2016 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Today, the Norwegian government presented a White Paper on energy policy - Power for change - an energy policy towards 2030. The main message is that security of supply, consequences for climate and economic growth must be considered together to

  • A future for Norwegian aviation

    07/04/2016 Press release Ministry of Transport and Communications

    ’The Government will continue its competition-oriented aviation policy and strengthen the country’s aviation community. At the same time, we see that Norway needs to engage in international cooperation to ensure fair competition, orderly working

  • Web TV

    ‘Necessary tightening of Norway’s asylum rules’

    08/04/2016 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    ‘The Government has presented a series of proposals to tighten Norway’s asylum rules, which we consider to be essential for ensuring a more sustainable asylum policy and for strengthening the border control. A strict but fair asylum policy is

  • Nordic countries stand united in the follow-up to COP21

    27/04/2016 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The Nordic Environment and Climate Ministers met on April 27, 2016, where they confirmed their commitment to a strong implementation of the Paris Agreement and launched a series of new initiatives to support the follow-up to COP21. The ministers

  • Norway extends partnership with World Food Programme

    03/03/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway has entered into a new partnership agreement with the World Food Programme (WFP) on core funding of NOK 237 million a year from 2016 to 2019. 'Sufficient core funding is crucial if WFP is to be able to respond quickly to crises. This

  • Norway steps up support for vulnerable groups in humanitarian crises

    10/04/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is earmarking NOK 40 million for efforts to help people with disabilities and to combat sexual violence in humanitarian crises. 'Certain groups are more vulnerable than others in situations of war and conflict. Norway will intensify its

  • Faster integration of refugees

    11/05/2016 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Government will ensure rapid and successful integration of immigrants, and puts forward a series of measures to promote integration.

  • Support for global education doubled

    06/10/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government is delivering on its promise to double support for global education. 'We propose a record high allocation of NOK 3.4 billion for aid for education in 2017. There are 263 million children and young people who do not go to school

  • Europe is at a crossroads and needs a strong Nordic region

    01/11/2016 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    ‘The economic restructuring of the Nordic region, the challenges faced by Europe, and international developments remind us of the importance of our shared values, our unity, and our solidarity. Strategic Nordic cooperation is crucial,’ said

  • Norway welcomes Guterres as next UN Secretary-General

    06/10/2016 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    ‘I am pleased that the Security Council has recommended the appointment of António Guterres as the next UN Secretary-General. He is highly qualified and has the personal qualities needed to head the UN in a world where more and more people are being

  • Web TV

    Report on the Equity Portion of the Government Pension Fund Global

    18/10/2016 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The Minister of Finance, Siv Jensen (Progress Party), today received a report on the equity portion of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) from a Government appointed Commission.

  • Colombian Government and ELN to start negotiations

    11/10/2016 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘It is very good news that the Colombian Government and the guerrilla group ELN have now set a date for starting formal negotiations. It will not be possible to reach a comprehensive peace settlement in Colombia unless the ELN are also on board,’

  • Norwegian initiative to combat the looting of Syria’s cultural heritage

    02/09/2015 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) invites to a conference dedicated to combat the looting of Syria’s cultural heritage. The conference will be held in Sofia on 16

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