Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

  • Working group on cultural diversity and globalisation

    28/11/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Valgerd Svarstad Haugland Working group on cultural diversity and globalisation Oslo, 28 November 2001 Dear Participants of the Working Group on Cultural Diversity and Globalisation, It is indeed a great pleasure for me

  • Conference for ministers of culture in the Baltic Sea region

    18/09/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn Conference for ministers of culture in the Baltic Sea region Schæffergården, Denmark, 18 September 2001 First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Danish government for the invitation to

  • Conference - International Association of Music Information Centres

    13/09/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn Conference - International Association of Music Information Centres Ringve museum, Trondheim, 13 September 2001 Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests. I am pleased to welcome delegates from more than 40

  • Opening of the Baltic Cultural Festival in the Nordic countries

    03/09/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn Opening of the Baltic Cultural Festival in the Nordic countries Gamle Logen, Oslo, 3 September 2001 Dear Ministers and Colleagues, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, It is indeed a great

  • Opening of HM Queen Sonja's International Music Competition

    16/08/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    State Secretary Roger Ingebrigtsen Opening of HM Queen Sonja's International Music Competition Norsk Frimurerordens Store Festsal, Oslo, 16. August 2001 Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, At the opening of HM Queen Sonja’s International Music

  • Exchange of information and experience on Audiovisual Policy

    21/05/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs, Ellen Horn Exchange of information and experience on Audiovisual Policy Informal meeting of EU's Ministers responsible for Cultural and Audiovisual Affairs, Falun, Sweden, 21 May 2001 Minister, it is a real honour and

  • Banquet in The Great Hall of the People

    08/05/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs, Ellen Horn Banquet in The Great Hall of the People Beijing, speech for Ding Guang Gen, Minister of Publicity Dept., May 8 th> 2001 Minister, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, To travel is to see and learn. To travel

  • Banquet in Beijing

    08/05/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn Banquet in Beijing Speech for Sun Jia Shi, Minister of Culture, China Beijing, May 8 th> 2001 Minister, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to follow an old Norwegian tradition by taking the floor in

  • Opening of the exhibition Crowns and Roses

    25/04/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    State Secretary Roger Ingebrigtsen Opening of the exhibition Crowns and Roses Museum of Applied Art, Riga, 25 April 2001 State Secretary Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to be present here today at the Museum of

  • Invitation to tender - Nationwide terrestrial television broadcasting licence in Norway

    04/04/2001 News story Kulturdepartementet

  • The Minister of Culture of Lithuania Gintautas Kevisas' visit to Norway

    14/03/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    The Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn The Minister of Culture of Lithuania Gintautas Kevisas' visit to Norway Hotel Continental, Oslo, 14 March 2001 Minister, Dear Friends, Although Norway is not a typical Baltic Sea state – not even from the

  • Dinner speech during visit to London

    15/01/2001 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Dinner speech during visit to London London, 15 January 2001 Mr Ambassador. Mrs Ambassador. Dear friends. To visit London is always exiting, whatever background you may have. Particularly appealing, however, is it if you

  • Culture and trade

    12/12/2000 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    The Minister of Cultural Affairs, Ellen Horn Culture and trade Unesco Headquarters, Paris, 12 December 2000 Mr. Chairman I think we should remind ourselves that the issues on our agenda of cultural diversity these two days must find its solution

  • The Opening of the Wada-Meetings in Oslo

    27/11/2000 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Speech by Minister of Cultural Affairs Ellen Horn The Opening of the Wada-Meetings in Oslo Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway, 14 November 2000 Mr Chairman – the WADA Board, It is a great pleasure for me and the Norwegian Government to be host for the

  • Successful Anti-Doping Conference in Oslo

    16/11/2000 Press release Kulturdepartementet

    Pressemelding Nr.: 93e/00 Date: 16.11.2000 For more information, contact: Director General Paul Glomsaker, Department of Sport Policy, tel. +47 22 25 80 52 Successful Anti-Doping Conference in Oslo -Doping is a direct threat to the sports movement,

  • Opening of the IICGADS meeting

    15/11/2000 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Mrs Ellen Horn Opening of the IICGADS meeting Hotel Continental, Oslo, 15 November 2000 Dear colleagues and friend It’s a pleasure for me, in co-operation with my Australian and Canadian colleagues, to host the second

  • The opening of the WADA-meetings in Oslo

    14/11/2000 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    Minister of Cultural Affairs Mrs Ellen Horn THE OPENING OF THE WADA-MEETINGS IN OSLO Hotel Continental, Oslo, Norway, 14 November 2000 Mr Chairman – the WADA Board, It is a great pleasure for me and the Norwegian Government to be host for the

  • Important anti-doping meetings in Oslo

    31/10/2000 Press release Kulturdepartementet

    Press release No.: 87e/00 Date: October 31, 2000 Contact: Royal Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Department of Sport Policy, Oslo, Norway, tel. 00 47 22 24 80 89 Important anti-doping meetings in Oslo The second meeting of the International

  • TV2 Licensing Terms

    27/10/2000 Rules Kulturdepartementet

  • Gateways to the New Knowledge Economy

    16/10/2000 Speech/statement Kulturdepartementet

    The Minister of Cultural Affairs, Mrs Ellen Horn Gateways to the New Knowledge Economy Ministercolloquy in Frankfurt, Germany, 16 October 2000 Mister Chair, First of all I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our German

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