Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘Mine clearance is crucial to prevent the loss of civilian lives, to ensure access for emergency aid, and to enable hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people to return safely to their homes. This is why we are now increasing our support
Web TV
Press release
Ministry of Defence
The American Secretary of Defense, James N. Mattis, will be visiting Oslo to have bilateral meetings with Minister of Defence Frank Bakke-Jensen and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide. The press is invited to attend statements at the
News story
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Norway, Germany and Ecuador has entered a 50 million USD partnership to protect 13.6 million hectares of World’s most biodiverse rainforests.
News story
The Office of the Prime Minister
Allied unity and the issue of burden-sharing will be among the central topics when heads of state and government convene for the NATO summit in Brussels on 11-12 July.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Today Norway and Croatia signed MoUs under the EEA and Norway Grants scheme amounting to around EUR 103.4 million. Key focus areas will be business development and innovation, energy, and justice and home affairs.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Thank you, Denmark, for hosting us today. Norway is a committed friend of Ukraine. We stand by you both politically and economically. Our support package over the last 5 years amounts to more than 100 million euros. We are encouraged by the number
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide
Copenhagen, 2 July
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The following statement was issued jointly by the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Norway.
News story
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
The Norwegian energy facts website EnergyfactsNorway.no is now available in English. The site contains facts about the Norwegian energy system, and can be a useful source of information for the energy sector, educational institutions, the public
News story
Ministry of Climate and Environment
The Governments of Guyana and Norway met today in Oslo, Norway, agreeing to move their climate, forests, and sustainable development forward with speed and determination. "I am delighted that we now have strong agreement with the Government of
News story
Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet
The Parliament has adopted amendments to the Child Welfare Act which came into force 1 July 2018. The amendments will strengthen the legal safeguards for children and their parents in child welfare cases.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Excellences, partners and friends of ISS, faculty members, and – most importantly – students of the International Summer School. Welcome to Norway! It is impressive that the ISS is bringing together 550 students from 90 countries. It is practically
Former State Secretary Jens Frølich Holte
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The migrant rescue ship Lifeline has docked in Malta after a group of European countries, including Norway, agreed to assist Malta and offer to resettle a number of the more than 200 migrants on board.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Australia and Norway launched their first bilateral dialogue on oceans in Canberra today to strengthen our cooperation in oceans management.
Press release
Ministry of Defence
An important milestone has now been achieved, with the Joint Strike Missile (JSM) passing the last of its planned tests in the missile qualification programme. The development phase of the JSM is now in its final stage and is scheduled for
News story
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Organized criminals make 50-152 billion USD a year illegally cutting down invaluable tropical forests and their activities have detrimental consequences for sustainable development in rainforest nations and the global climate.
Ministry of Finance
I am pleased to open this Norway China Capital Markets Seminar here in Shanghai. Let me express my gratitude to Finance Norway, the Norwegian Consulate General and Innovation Norway for preparing and hosting this important gathering. Let me also
Minister of Finance Siv Jensen
2018 Norway China Capital Markets Seminar
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Norwegian state represented by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries launches sale of its remaining 37,800,000 shares in SAS
The Office of the Prime Minister
Speech by Prime Minister Erna Solberg at an anti-doping round table conference in Oslo, 25 June 2018.
Former Prime Minister Erna Solberg
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Speech of State Secretary Marianne Hagen to the Pacific Small Island Developing States Samoa Pathway Mid-Term Review Meeting in Tonga June 23rd, 2018.
Former State Secretary Marianne Hagen
Speech to SAMOA meetin in Tonga
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide held a speech at the launch of Norway’s Security Council campaign in New York 22nd of june.
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide
New York, 22 June