Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Knowledge Bank was established under Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) on 1 March 2018 to coordinate and strengthen technical cooperation and knowledge-sharing in areas where Norway has particular experience and expertise.
Press release
Ministry of Finance
"The Norwegian economy is doing well. Businesses are investing more and employment is rising throughout the country. We are using the good times to secure a sustainable welfare state and a safer Norway", says Minister of Finance Siv Jensen.
Press release
Ministry of Finance
An employee receiving tip income is liable to pay income tax on this payment. However, contrary to the general rules, the employer is not liable to report such income to the Tax Authorities. Tip income is therefore rarely taxed in practise. In the
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘The lack of access to energy is still a barrier for international development. The Government has therefore increased its grants towards renewable energy from NOK 570 million in 2018 to more than NOK 1 billion in 2019. In addition, we are stepping
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Norwegian Government is proposing to allocate at least NOK 1 billion in support for women’s rights and gender equality as part of the 2019 aid budget. This is an increase of more than NOK 68 million. In addition to this ‘women’s billion’, Norway
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘Norway is playing a leading role in the global efforts to promote clean and healthy oceans. The oceans are being filled with waste, and we must put a stop to this before it is too late. That is why we have launched a development programme to combat
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘International institutions and joint solutions are under pressure. At the same time, global security challenges are becoming more complex. In the 2019 budget, the Government has therefore proposed to increase the allocation to countries affected by
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘The Government intends to maintain a high level of aid and has proposed spending NOK 37.8 billion on aid in 2019. This corresponds to about 1 % of Norway’s gross national income and is NOK 2.5 billion more than in 2018,’ said Minister of
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘It is the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people who are being hardest hit by climate change. Increasingly, a lack of food and failing harvests are causing instability and conflict. Climate change adaptation is essential for achieving the SDGs.
Press release
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance unveils selected key figures prior to the budget release, which takes place at 10:00, to ensure simultaneous access to potentially market sensitive information. A table with more detailed projections will be released together
Web TV
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
‘I would like to congratulate Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege on winning the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018. They have been awarded the prize for their fight against sexual violence in armed conflicts,’ said Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
The Office of the Prime Minister
Joint Statement by H.E. Ms. Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway andHon. Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, on the Occasion of the Official Visit fromSri Lanka to Oslo, 5 October 2018.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘The situation is critical in the areas of Indonesia that were hit by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on 28 September. The Government is now increasing Norway’s support for the rescue efforts by NOK 10 million (around USD 1.2 million), to NOK
News story
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
A strategy for viable populations of wild bees and other pollinating insects
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup's introduction at the celebration of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Former Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup
Oslo, 2 October
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
State Secretary Marianne Hagen's intervention at the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Executiv Comittee meeting.
Former State Secretary Marianne Hagen
Geneva, 1 October
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup's speech at the Global Citizen Concert, in Central Park, New York, on marin pollution.
Former Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup
New York, 29 September
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup's speech on access to health and nutrition services at the Global Citizen Concert in Central Park, New York.
Former Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup
New York, 29 September
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup's statement at a side event during the United Nations General Assembly.
Former Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup
New York, 28 September
Press release
Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance today sends on public consultation the report on energy stocks in the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global.