Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

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Showing 2461-2480 of 7812 results.

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  • Norway contributes to new fund for women’s entrepreneurship

    11/07/2017 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    Norway is providing NOK 90 million to a new fund that aims to strengthen entrepreneurship among women. The fund, which will be administered by the World Bank, is being launched at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, where Norway is participating as a guest

  • FK Norway to move to Førde

    21/06/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'The Government has decided that FK Norway will move to Førde in western Norway. The Government considers it important to ensure that Norway also has strong centres of international expertise outside Oslo,' said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge

  • Proposed reduction in the threshold for culling Golden Eagles

    23/06/2017 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a consultation paper on a proposed adjustments in the threshold for the culling of Golden Eagles that cause the loss of livestock. The proposal specifies that this will only apply to a temporary

  • New ambassadors from Mexico, Peru and Australia

    21/06/2017 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Three new ambassadors to Norway presented their letters of credence to His Majesty King Harald V on 21. June 2017.

  • NOK ten million to fight against illegal fishing in developing countries

    31/05/2017 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'Illegal fishing is contributing to overexploitation of marine resources. Norway has some of the best managed fish stocks in the world. This is because we have good routines for controlling catches. We are now increasing our support for developing

  • Nobel Peace Prize for 2005 awarded to Dr ElBaradei and the IAEA

    07/10/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    - The award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to Dr Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) highlights one of the most serious security challenges facing the world today, said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. (07.10)

  • Information for the press: HRH The Crown Prince and Minister of International Development to visit Tonga, Fiji and Samoa

    20/03/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    HRH Crown Prince Haakon will make an official visit to Tonga, Fiji and Samoa in the period 5-11 April 2019. Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein will accompany the Crown Prince on the visit to Tonga and Fiji.

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    Excludes exploration and production companies from the Government Pension Fund Global

    08/03/2019 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The Government is proposing to exclude companies classified as exploration and production companies within the energy sector from the Government Pension Fund Global to reduce the aggregate oil price risk in the Norwegian economy.

  • Norway to disburse NOK 125 million to UNRWA

    16/02/2019 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is in a critical financial situation and is facing a severe funding gap. That is why we like last year are disbursing the whole of our core contribution of NOK 125 million to UNRWA at

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    Peer Review on «Enhancing whistleblower protection»

    13/02/2019 News story Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    On 14-15 February The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs hosts a Peer Review on «Enhancing whistleblower protection through better collaboration between responsible authorities - a tool to prevent and tackle work-related crime».

  • Changes among the political advisers

    22/01/2019 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    After the changes in the Government today, Ms. Kristine Lie resigns as political adviser to Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mr. Bård André Hoksrud, and has been appointed as political adviser to Minister of Public Security Ingvil Smines

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    Changes in the Government

    22/01/2019 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    In the session of the Council of State today, the King has made changes in the Government.

  • Countercyclical buffer increases

    13/12/2018 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Today, the Ministry of Finance has decided that the countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks shall be increased to 2.5 percent from 31 December 2019, in line with the quarterly advice from Norges Bank.

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    17/01/2018 Press release The Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s extraordinary session of the Council of State, the King has made changes in the list of state secretaries.

  • Expert reports on the GPFG

    15/01/2018 News story Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance today publishes reports from two expert groups on the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG). The reports will be a part of the Ministry’s assessment of Norges Bank’s active management of the Fund and investments in unlisted

  • Troika Statement on Peace Process in South Sudan

    30/11/2017 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The text of the following statement was issued jointly by the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Norway.

  • Agreement on unregulated fishing in the Arctic Ocean

    01/12/2017 Press release Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    During the final round of negotiations this week in Washington, D.C., an international agreement was achieved to prevent unregulated fishing in the central Arctic Ocean.

  • WTO makes cheaper medicines available to developing countries

    09/12/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The WTO has decided to amend the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) agreement in accordance with the decision on patents and access to medicines of 2003. The decision set aside a provision of the TRIPS agreement that hinders

  • New political advisor

    28/10/2005 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Pressemelding Nr.: 192/2005 Dato: 28 October 2005 New political advisor The Office of the Prime Minister has today appointed Ms. Magnhild Eia (44), secondary school teacher, Sokndal, as political advisor to Minister Åslaug Haga. The Government

  • Norway to lead commission to monitor peace agreement in Sudan

    11/11/2005 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ambassador Tom Vraalsen has been appointed to lead the Assessment and Evaluation Commission (AEC) on behalf of Norway. The international commission is to monitor the implementation of the peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the

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