Press release
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
In a royal decree issued on Friday 26 March, the government has ordered that Rolls Royce stop the sale of Norwegian company Bergen Engines AS to companies within the Transmashholding Group.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘We are impressed by the Belarusian people’s courage and tenacity, and by the untiring efforts of Ms Tikhanovskaya,’ said State Secretary Audun Halvorsen.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Based on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s weekly assessment of the Covid-19 situation, the Government has decided to change the status of the Länsi-Pohja Hospital District in Finland from ‘yellow’ to ‘red’ on the map showing the status for
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The global travel advice is now being extended to apply until 15 May 2021.
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
In today’s session of the Council of State, The Crown Prince Regent has made changes in the list of state secretaries.
Press release
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
This week the President of Turkey issued a decree annulling Turkey’s ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence - the Istanbul Convention. Norway is deeply concerned by
News story
Ministry of Finance
CDP Equity S.p.A. and Intesa S.p.A. have applied for authorisation to acquire indirectly a qualifying holding in Oslo Børs ASA, Verdipapirsentralen ASA and Fish Pool ASA, through the acquisition of a stake of approximately 7,3 % and 1,3-1,5 % in
News story
Ministry of Health and Care Services
These are the government recommendations on how to enjoy the holidays in a Covid-safe manner.
News story
Ministry of Health and Care Services
In order to prevent the spread of infection to the areas with low infection rates the Government, following the recommendations of the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, is implementing stricter national
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'Norway welcomes the Saudi announcement expressing readiness for a nationwide ceasefire and a comprehensive political solution in Yemen', Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide said.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'It is essential to assist victims in Cox’s Bazar', the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide said.
News story
Ministry of Defence
In 2017, Norway and Germany entered into a strategic, maritime cooperation on materiel, aimed at the acquisition of identical submarines and naval strike missiles. The defence materiel organisations of Norway and Germany, NDMA and BAAINBw, have
News story
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
In order to avoid the border closure having an excessive impact on infrastructure projects, the application-based exemption scheme is to be expanded to include specialist personnel who are required for the construction, operation or maintenance of
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Based on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s weekly assessment of the Covid-19 situation, the Government has decided to change the status of the Central Ostrobothnia Hospital District and the North Karelia Hospital District in Finland from ‘
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'Norway welcomes that the UN Security Council has agreed on an important Press Statement condemning the violent escalation in Marib, as well as the attacks against Saudi Arabia and expressing concern about the military escalation elsewhere in Yemen.
Press release
Ministry of Finance
Today, the Ministry of Finance has decided to follow Norges Bank’s advice not to change the countercyclical capital buffer requirement of 1 percent for banks.
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Norway has signed a two-year agreement with World Health Organization (WHO) for an amount of 220 Million NOK (US$ 26 million) to support activities aiming at reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes,
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Over 100 days after the outbreak of the conflict in the Tigray region in Ethiopia, the humanitarian situation remains grave.
News story
Ministry of Health and Care Services
Viken county municipality is experiencing heightened rates of infection involving the English strain of the virus, and is unable to contact trace a significant proportion of these infections. Following the recommendations of the county governor, the
Press release
Ministry of Finance
The Government’s conference on the 2022 budget is premised on the assumption that vaccination of adults and lifted containment measures will spur high growth in the Norwegian economy. How fast growth will pick up largely depends on the speed of