Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

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Showing 3201-3220 of 7812 results.

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  • Norwegian frigate to lead NATO Maritime Group

    17/10/2012 News story Ministry of Defence

    A Norwegian frigate will be command ship for one of NATO’s standing naval forces for the second half of 2013. "The frigate will thus be leading the important task of combating pirate activity off the coast of the Horn of Africa", says Defence

  • Norway aligns itself with new EU sanctions against Syria

    17/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “Norway is aligning itself with the EU’s reinforced sanctions against Syria,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

  • NOK 20 million to flood victims in Pakistan

    17/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Floods in Pakistan are affecting almost five million people. Norway is to provide an additional NOK 20 million to the flood victims.

  • NOK 100 million for clean energy in Bhutan

    16/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is to help Bhutan achieve its target of providing access to electricity for the entire population and of ensuring that the country’s substantial hydropower revenues are used to benefit all the people of Bhutan. Norway is to provide NOK 100

  • Historically high cod quota in the Norwegian–Russian Fisheries Agreement for 2013

    16/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

    On Thursday 11 October, Russia and Norway signed a bilateral fisheries agreement for 2013 in Trondheim. The Agreement includes a historically high cod quota for the Barents Sea of 1 million tonnes.

  • Norway condemns use of cluster munitions in Syria

    15/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    According to reports by Human Rights Watch, cluster munitions are being used in the conflict in Syria. “The use of cluster munitions is completely unacceptable and is incompatible with the norm established by the international community under the

  • Communiqué after RC North Informal Meeting

    15/10/2012 News story Ministry of Defence

    Informal Meeting of the Defence Ministers of the Troop-Contributing Nations in ISAF's Regional Command North in Brussels on 10 October 2012

  • Prime Minister Stoltenberg congratulates the EU on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize: : “The European Union has played a key role in efforts to safeguard peace and democracy in Europe”

    12/10/2012 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    “On behalf of the Norwegian Government, I would like to congratulate the European Union on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2012. Today’s announcement is clear recognition of the significance of the EU for ensuring lasting stability and

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    12/10/2012 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Ms. Anne Beathe Kristiansen Tvinnereim, acting state secretary, has been appointed state secretary to Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Liv Signe Navarsete. She succeeds Ms. Hege Solbakken, who has been honourably discharged from

  • Rwandan citizen indicted of genocide is to be extradited from Norway to Rwanda

    12/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Justice and the Police

    On 10th October 2012 the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security decided to extradite a person to Rwanda where he will be prosecuted for his complicity in the 1994 Genocide.

  • Norway and the EEA Agreement

    12/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    "The Government intends to manage Norway’s current agreements with the EU well, and will make active use of the opportunities provided by these agreements to promote Norway’s interests,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide.

  • NOK 2.7 billion allocated to local and regional policy measures

    11/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government has proposed allocation of about NOK 2.7 billion to local and regional policy measures in 2013. Since 2005, the red-green coalition Government has allocated about NOK 20 billion to local and regional development.

  • NOK 6.8 billion more to the municipal sector

    11/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    “The municipalities will have NOK 400 billion available in 2013, more than NOK 300 billion of which are not earmarked. This will provide citizens with even more safe and sound day-to-day services,” says Minister Liv Signe Navarsete.

  • A pro-active and forward-looking housing policy

    11/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    «Everyone in Norway should live safely and well. The Government will therefore set aside about NOK 24 billion to loans and subsidies for various housing measures and housing support in 2013,» says the Minister of Local Government and Regional

  • Simplification and expertise development in the construction sector

    11/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    «The Government will facilitate a simpler and more efficient building application process. We must ensure that the quality of new buildings improves and that we raise the expertise in the construction industry,» says Minister of Local Government and

  • Municipal tax revenues saw strong growth in 2012

    11/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    «The municipalities have almost NOK 5 billion more available due to higher tax revenues, providing the opportunity for more good and safe day-to-day services for citizens,» says Minister Liv Signe Navarsete.

  • Seeds lining up for Svalbard...

    10/10/2012 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    More than 25,000 seed samples from 17 different countries will arrive in Svalbard this week. This latest seed shipment from Brazil, Burundi, Chile, Mali and Mongolia, among other countries, brings the total number of seed types in the Svalbard

  • Norway intensifies efforts to combat the death penalty

    10/10/2012 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is now stepping up the fight and have produced new guidelines setting out what the Foreign Service can do to promote abolition of the death penalty.

  • Substantial revenues and continued investment in the petroleum sector

    09/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    The 2013 National Budget estimates that the State’s net cash flow from petroleum activities will total almost NOK 391 billion in 2012. Direct and indirect taxes account for about NOK 233 billion of this amount. The State’s Direct Financial Interests

  • Norway’s trade policy in the WTO

    09/10/2012 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The World Trade Organization (WTO) carries out regular reviews of member countries’ trade policies. This week the focus is on Norway. Norway has received close to 300 written comments and specific questions from other WTO member countries.

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