Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now advising against non-essential travel to the Kainuu Hospital District in Finland.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘Ending conflicts and building sustainable peace requires a combination of efforts. Norway will continue to play an active role in the Peacebuilding Commission and we have disbursed the first part of our contribution of NOK 500 million over five
Press release
Ministry of Transport and Communications
The Ministry of Transport invites tenderers to an open tender procedure for the operation of each of the 18 domestic routes that as of January 2021 are included in the temporary publicly subsidised scheduled air services. The deadline for submitting
News story
Ministry of Health and Care Services
Norway has one of the strictest systems for entry and testing in Europe. The Norwegian Government is now further tightening the control system to limit import infection.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
‘The Trump administration’s decision to include Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List is regrettable. Placing Cuba on the list will make it difficult to normalise relations between the US and Cuba, and will impede efforts to promote positive
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The global travel advice will be extended to apply until 1 March 2021.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'Norway is deeply concerned that the US administration’s decision to designate Ansar Allah (the Houthis) as a terrorist organisation may escalate the already critical humanitarian situation in Yemen', Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Global cooperation has made it possible to start Covid-19 vaccination programmes merely a year after the pandemic broke out. ‘The second wave of infection in Africa makes it a matter of urgency to ensure that this historic breakthrough also benefits
Press release
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
As a member of the UN Security Council, Norway will chair the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Sanctions Committee, the Isil (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee, and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Norway will
News story
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Norway is committed to achieving its emission reduction target under the Paris Agreement. Today, the Government is presenting a white paper describing its action plan for transformation of Norwegian society as a whole by 2030. The plan shows how
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
In today’s session of the Council of State, The King has appointed Mr. Reid Ivar Bjorland Dahl as acting state secretary to Minister of Children and Family Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, from 8 January to 30 June 2021.
Press release
The Office of the Prime Minister
Mr. Erlend Jordal resigns as political adviser to Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru, as of 18 January 2021.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The situation in #WashingtonDC is deeply disturbing and alarming, and an unacceptable attack on democracy. President Trump has a particular responsibility to ensure that the situation comes under control. The Congress must be able to fulfill its
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'Norway welcomes the news from the GCC Summit about prospects of ending the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt.The reopening of land, air, sea borders between Saudi Arabia and Qatar is a very positive step. We look
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'Norway is deeply concerned about the situation in Hong Kong following the mass arrests of pro-democracy politicians and activists. An independent judiciary, respect for human rights and freedoms guaranteed under Hong Kong’s Basic Law is essential
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On 5 January 2021, a new national assembly was sworn into office in Venezuela. The inauguration was controversial because a major part of the opposition boycotted the parliamentary elections on 6 December 2020, in reference to them not fulfilling
Press release
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Today, the digital travel register is being launched, which will replace the temporary, paper-based, solution. To improve infection control, the Norwegian Government decided before Christmas that all persons travelling to Norway must register
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'I strongly condemn the fatal attacks on civilians in Tillabery, Niger and recall UNSG Antonio Guterres’ appeal for global ceasefire while defeating Covid-19', Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide said.
Web TV
News story
Ministry of Health and Care Services
In order to maintain control of the spread of infection and to limit new increases in infection rates, strengthened national infection prevention measures are being implemented on a temporary basis for two weeks effective 4 January.
News story
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
'We are grateful to the many countries that have expressed their support and words of comfort during these challenging times after the massive landslide at Gjerdrum in Norway', said Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide.