Historical archive

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

In the Historical archive you will find information from previous governments such as press releases, news and speeches from previous government periods. You will also find outdated current affairs from the sitting government. In addition the archive contains documents where the content is no longer valid, such as expired circulars.

Content that has been moved to the archive will not be updated and the information is therefore exclusively of an historical nature.

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Showing 1101-1120 of 7812 results.

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  • Norway increases humanitarian assistance to the Philippines

    13/11/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is increasing its humanitarian assistance to the Philippines by an additional NOK 20 million. Combined with the funding Norway has provided through the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, Norway’s total contribution so far will amount to NOK

  • Norway doubles support for fight against Ebola

    06/10/2014 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is doubling its support for the fight against Ebola, and will be contacting the UN, the UK Government and other relevant actors to offer personnel and equipment for their operations. A new contribution of NOK 89 million brings Norway’s total

  • The main elements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs budget

    08/10/2014 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government intends to increase Norway’s budget for 2015 to NOK 32.5 billion. This is an increase of more than NOK 1 billion compared with 2014. Priority is given to education, humanitarian assistance, health and vaccination, private sector

  • The Norwegian Government announces measures to stimulate the mainland economy

    05/05/2013 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The Norwegian Government proposes tax changes from 2014 to strengthen competitiveness and profitability, and stimulate investments in the mainland economy. The corporate tax rate will be lowered, the tax credit scheme for R&D will be increased and a

  • Investment in increased oil recovery and petroleum research in northern Norway

    14/10/2013 Press release Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    In the National Budget 2014, the Government is proposing continued investment in increased oil recovery and the development of the petroleum industry in northern Norway. Accordingly, the grants to Petoro and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate will

  • IMF presents views on the Norwegian economy

    24/05/2013 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Today a mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented its views on the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy. The mission is in Oslo as part of the regular article IV-consultation with Norway.

  • Proposal to allow up to 40 percent ownership control of salmon farming

    10/05/2013 Press release Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

    The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs proposes to change the rules of ownership control of the aquaculture industry. It is proposed to allow companies to own up to 40 percent of production capacity in the salmon farming industry. At the same

  • Changes among the political advisers

    21/05/2013 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    The Office of the Prime Minister has from 21 May 2013 appointed Ms. Tonje Brenna, political adviser at the Office of the Prime Minister, as political adviser to Minister Of Justice and Public Security Grete Faremo. Ms. Elisabeth Helmersen, political

  • Norway trebles funding to combat Ebola

    17/09/2014 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The Ebola outbreak is spreading faster than the world can respond to it. There are not enough health workers in the field, and dying people are being turned away by hospitals. Norway is therefore providing a further NOK 58.7 million to

  • Government to increase support for Ukraine

    08/10/2014 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘It is important to support the positive trend towards greater European cooperation and integration, particularly in countries where this trend has been put under severe strain in the wake of Russia’s violations of international law in Ukraine. The

  • Norway welcomes UN statement on the humanitarian crisis in Syria

    02/10/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “Norway is pleased that the UN Security Council has finally reached agreement on a strong statement that condemns the serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in Syria, and calls for unhindered humanitarian access,” said

  • Foreign Minister Støre’s visit to Afghanistan

    04/03/2010 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister Støre visited Afghanistan 4 -5 March. “The visit was part of my ongoing contact with the Afghan authorities and Norwegian civilian and military personnel in Afghanistan,” said Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

  • UK and Norway affirm important energy relationship

    10/02/2017 News story Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

    Today (February 10 2017), the UK Energy Minister Jesse Norman and the Norwegian Energy Minister Terje Søviknes held their first meeting at the Oslo Energy Forum.

  • Press invitation: Signing of Norwegian All Weather SAR Helicopter Contract

    17/12/2013 Press release Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    On Thursday the Norwegian government and AgustaWestland will sign a contract for the delivery of 16 all-weather SAR helicopters. The total investment cost of the contract is 6,25 billion kroner (NOK).

  • New Way to Finance Health in World's Less Developed Nations

    11/12/2013 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Results-Based Financing can get 20 percent more health care with same funds. Countries and major donors including Norway are changing the way they finance maternal and child, malaria, tuberculosis and hiv/Aids health programs in low-income countries

  • Norway adjusts its contribution to the Counter ISIL Coalition in Iraq

    07/03/2017 Press release Ministry of Defence

    Norway is currently providing approximately 60 military personnel to the Counter ISIL (C-ISIL) Coalition Training Centre in Erbil in North Iraq. The Norwegian government decided 6 March 2017, based on the C-ISIL Coalition´s needs, to move the

  • New ambassadors from Spain, Namibia, Bahrain and Chad

    30/03/2017 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Four new ambassadors to Norway presented their letters of credence to His Majesty King Harald V on 30 March 2017.

  • Follow the Meeting of the Parties to the European Protocol on water and health

    25/11/2013 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Leaders from health and environment in Europe meets to discuss water and health safety challenges in the region from November 25th to 27th.

  • Evaluation of Norwegian Authorities' Handling of the In Amenas Crisis

    21/03/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “The terror attack against the gas production facility at In Amenas in January shocked us all. Five Norwegian citizens lost their lives. The assault was the largest ever mounted against Norwegian interests in peacetime. We have therefore conducted a

  • Norway doubles funding to the International Labour Organization

    08/04/2013 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    “The Norwegian Government is making a historical commitment to promote better working conditions for people in developing countries through the ILO,” said Minister of International Development Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås.

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