Launches masterplan for marine research
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Published under: Solberg's Government
Publisher: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Press release | Date: 09/02/2015
Minister of Fisheries, Elisabeth Aspaker, wants a clear prioritization of research funding.
- A seafood industry which is located in high-cost countries, such as Norway, is entirely dependent on research and innovation in order to survive and grow. Therefore it is important for the Norwegian government to prepare a master plan for marine research, says Fisheries Elisabeth Aspaker.
The master plan will build on the Norwegian Governments longterm plan for research, where the sea and marine industries are in focus.
- We have to advance our prioritizations of research funding, and ensure that research culminates in innovation and economic development. Whether the research is about modernizing the traditional fishing industry, developing a sustainable aquaculture, or developing entirely new industries based on marine raw materials, we want to see innovation and development, says Minister of Fisheries, Elisabeth Aspaker.
Norway funds marine research with 3.2 billion NOK annually, of which 2 billion NOK is funded by the government. In this respect Norway is a significant research nation.
- Norway needs to build new knowledge-based industries. The marine sector is identified as an industry where Norway can be a leading authority, with a potential for increased value creation. Research and development will be essential in order to develop this potential, says the Minister of Fisheries.
The master plan will form the basis for Norway's priorities in aquaculture research, resource and ecosystem research, and research that can create a basis for new marine industries. The plan is central in the follow up to the research part of the forthcoming white paper on Aquaculture and a report from the Seafood Industry Committee.
- In the coming months I will maintain close contact with the industry and the research environments to listen and discuss what we need to prioritize within the area of marine research and innovation, says Aspaker.
The Ministry has created a website for input:
The Norwegian Ministry of Trade Industry and Fisheries aims to present the master plan for marine research during the autumn of 2015.