Right of use and copyright for photos and video material

Photos and video material on government.no is free of use when the rights to the material are owned by the Ministries, the Office of the Prime Minister or Norwegian Ministries Digitalisation Organisation (DIO). This right of use does not apply to advertising or if the material is used in a way or in a context that violates the reputation or the unique character of the rights owner or the material.

Photographer or other rights holder shall be credited as follows: First name Last Name / Ministry. If the rights holder’s name is not available, government.no shall be credited as the source. When someone other than the Ministries or the Norwegian Ministries Digitalisation Organisation (DIO) has the rights to photos or video material, reuse and redistribution must be cleared with the original rights holder. Contact the Communication Department of the respective Ministry if you need more information about the material and who owns the rights.

Press conferences are filmed by DIO and can be watched live at government.no. Video files from press conferences can be downloaded afterwards. DIO distributes publishing feeds to media outlets who wish to broadcast press conferences live. If you want to embed a live video from government.no on your own web site, please contact dss-videoproduksjon@dss.dep.no.