News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Asset Management Department
Department Ministry of FinanceThe Asset Management Departmentis responsible for the Ministry’s work on the Government Pension Fund. The work on strengthening the management of the funds is central to the Ministry of Finance and the department's responsibilities include
Department of Planning and Administration
Department Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe department is responsible for coordination, quality assurance and follow-up of the Ministry’s activities relating to the budget, ministerial financial management and the administration of associated and subordinate agencies.
Department of International Affairs
Department Office of the Prime MinisterThe Department of International Affairs assists the Prime Minister and the Government Secretary in the handling of all matters of an international nature.
Tax Policy Department
Department Ministry of FinanceThe Tax Policy Department analyses how tax legislation and amendments affect saving, consumption, investments and labour supply and how tax revenues change when regulations are amended. This department is also responsible for preparing the annual
Department of Communications
Department Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Ministry of Children and Families is committed to openness. It takes an active approach to informational work, publishing accurate information in a timely fashion and providing updated reports at Media inquiries and
County Governors
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesEach county has a County Governor who represents the King and the government. The task of the County Governor’s office is to make sure the goals, guidelines and actions of the Storting are followed locally. On behalf of some of the national
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The Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten)
External organization Ministry of FinanceThe activities of the Norwegian Tax Administration lay the principal financial foundations for government operations. The Norwegian Tax Administration shall ensure that taxes and other claims are correctly assessed and paid, and that the National
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Statistics Norway
External organization Ministry of FinanceStatistics Norway prepares and publishes official statistics in Norway, in addition to conducting extensive research activities.
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Norwegian Customs (Tolletaten)
External organization Ministry of FinanceNorwegian Customs shall prevent illegal imports and exports of goods and facilitate correct and efficient imports and exports of goods.
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The Ombudsperson for Children in Norway
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Ombudsperson for Children in Norway is charged with promoting the interests of children in both the public and private spheres, and with paying close attention to changes in the conditions of childhood development.
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Child Welfare Tribunal
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesChild Welfare Tribunal are responsible for decision-making with regard to child welfare services. Today there are 12 such county tribunals; each one covers one or two counties. The tribunals comprise a national body which on matters of social
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Conclusions of the Mission
12/06/2006 Report Ministry of Finance -
Permanent Secretary to the Government Ms. Anne Nafstad Lyftingsmo
Administrative staff Office of the Prime Minister -
The Petroleum Taxation Act
10/01/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of FinanceThe Petroleum Taxation Act Click here (pdf) Act of 13 June 1975 No.35 relating to the Taxation of Subsea Petroleum Deposits, etc. Last amended by Act of 9 December 2005 No.109
Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway
14/08/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyFacts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts sheet on energy and water resources in Norway every other year. In this publication stationary energy supply and
Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)
14/09/2006 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe TRIPS Agreement was negotiated during the Uruguay Round and, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), is included as an annex to the WTO Agreement.
Allocation Committee for support to voluntary children's and youth organizations
Councils and committees Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Allocation Committee it is an administrative body within the Ministry of Children and Equality whose primary responsibility is to distribute grants and subsidies to voluntary national children's and youth organizations in accord with regulations
The Equality and anti-discrimination Ombud
External organization Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe Equality and anti-discrimination Ombud's main task is to promote equality and fight against discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and age.
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Subordinate agencies
List page Ministry of Climate and Environment -
Offices and agencies associated with the Ministry of Children and Equality
List page Ministry of Children and Families