News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 81-100 of 168 results.
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Parental responsibility and travelling abroad with children
01/08/2013 Article Ministry of Children and Families -
Ministry of Children and Families
Ministry Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Ministry has the overall responsibility for children welfare services, family affairs, childhood development, religious and life stance affairs and consumer affairs.
Debt settlement
01/07/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Debt Settlement Act gives individuals with serious debt problems the opportunity to gain control of their economy. A debt settlement scheme is an agreement to pay as much as possible of the debt during a limited period, and then have the
Settlement of refugees
14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Children and FamiliesSettlement with public assistance is a voluntary service offered by the Norwegian government. The Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) and municipalitices decides where refugees are setteled.
Department of Childhood, Youth and Family Affairs
Department Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Department of Childhood, Youth and Family Affairs is responsible for the design and coordination of overall child and youth policy as well as government family policy.
Minister of Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Centre Party)
Ministers Ministry of Children and Families -
Families and children
Topic Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Ministry of Children and Families endeavours to ensure that children and young people get a good upbringing and that families can feel secure, both financially and socially.
Senior Communication Advisor Rune Martin Akselsen
Administrative staff Ministry of Children and Families -
Senior Communication Advisor Cecilie Roang
Administrative staff Ministry of Children and Families -
Child Welfare
Topic Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe primary duty of the child welfare services is to ensure that children and young people living under conditions that may harm their health and development will receive the necessary assistance when they need it, and to contribute to giving
List of lawyers in child abduction cases
19/09/2023 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Public Security has established a list of lawyers in child abduction cases, so that affected parents quickly can get in touch with a lawyer with particular competence and knowledge about child abduction.
Ecolabelling Norway
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesIn Norway there are two official environmental labels, the Swan and the Flower. Their use is overseen by Ecolabelling Norway, a foundation whose leadership board is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Children and Equality, environmental
Web page:
National Institute for Consumer Research
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) is an independent, multidisciplinary centre for research, testing and reporting on consumer affairs. The institute shares its expertise with public authorities, political leaders, businesses and
Web page:
The Consumer Dispute Commission
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Consumer Dispute Commission is an arbiter of conflicts, particularly those related to goods and building-trade services in which consumers (perhaps with help from the Consumer Council of Norway) have tried and failed to reach an amicable
Web page:
Cel mai bine este atunci când copiii pot primi ajutor în cadrul propriei familii
03/06/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesEmiterea unui ordin de protecție reprezintă întotdeauna o măsură de ultimă instanță.
Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
External organization Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) and the Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat) are responsible for matters relating to state-funded child welfare services, family counselling and adoption.
Web page:
Secretary General
Administrative staff Ministry of Children and Families -
Keeping the children safe: a shared responsibility
14/04/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesWe all want the same thing - to ensure that all children grow up in a secure environment free from violence. Yet, explaining child protection measures can be tricky.
Părinții sunt cele mai importante persoane din viața unui copil
14/04/2016 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesGuvernul norvegian a modificat la 1 aprilie 2016 Actul Drepturilor Copilului. Aceste modificări oferă serviciilor de protecție a copilului o putere sporită în sensul luării de măsuri de protecție cu scopul de a se asigura că copiii primesc ajutorul
Parenthood (paternity and maternity
10/02/2021 Article Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe bond between child and parents is fundamental in a person’s life. The parents’ rights and obligations in relation to the child are linked to the legal parenthood. It is therefore important that parenthood is established as early as possible in