News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Topic Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe aim of health policies regarding pharmaceuticals is to promote correct use of medicinal products. Our goals are low pharmaceutical prices and reliable access to efficient medicinal products independent of patients' ability to pay.
Timeline: News from Norwegian Ministries about the Coronavirus disease Covid-19
Timeline Ministry of Health and Care ServicesTimeline for news and press releases in English from Norwegian Ministries about the Coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Organisation and management of the Ministry of Health and Care Services
Organization chart Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Minister of Health and Care Services represents the political management of the Ministry. The Minister has a political secretariat consisting of state secretaries and one or more political advisers. The Secretary General is the Ministry's
Contact the Ministry of Health and Care Services
Contact information Ministry of Health and Care ServicesPostal address: PO Box 8011 Dep 0030 Oslo - NORWAY Street address: Teatergata 9 Telephone: +47 22 24 90 90 E-mail:
Norwegian involvement in the World Health Organisation
18/12/2024 Article Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations specialized agency for health. Norway has been actively involved in the WHO since the organization was established April 7, 1948.
Director General Cathrine Meland
Administrative staff Ministry of Health and Care Services -
Public Health
Topic Ministry of Health and Care ServicesPublic health is the society's efforts to influence factors that directly or indirectly promote the health and wellbeing of the population, as well as prevent mental and somatic illness, injuries or suffering, or that protects against dangers to our
Municipal health and care services
Topic Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe municipalities are responsible for providing reasonable, high-quality health care and social services to everyone in need of them, regardless of age or diagnosis. The state is responsible for ensuring equal framework conditions through
Topic Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe hospitals provide the public with specialised treatment. In addition, the hospitals have tasks involving research and training, as well as educating patients and their loved ones. The Ministry of Health and Care Services has supervisory