News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 61-80 of 189 results.
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Revised National Budget: Hospitals will receive larger budgets
16/05/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Government proposes a permanent budget increase for hospitals, in addition to extraordinary price and wage adjustments in the hospital budgets. This amounts to a total of NOK 4.7 billion.
Revised National Budget: Additional round-the-clock care places
16/05/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesTo ensure good and safe health and care services for the elderly, the Government proposes to increase the grant limit for round-the-clock care facilities by NOK 2 billion. The Government also proposes to expand the Tørn programme under the Norwegian
The National Budget 2023: Historic investment in the Regular General Practitioner Scheme
07/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe government is proposing a NOK 690 million boost to the Regular General Practitioner Scheme in 2023, resulting in a total annual budget of NOK 920 million. In what is an otherwise tight budget, the government has still been able to accommodate an
The National Budget 2023: Boost for the mental health and substance abuse fields
07/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe government is prioritising health and addiction services, and is to commit NOK 300 million to strengthening the area.
Deferral of decision regarding a second dose for 12 to 15-year-olds
25/10/2021 News story Ministry of Health and Care ServicesOne dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been offered to children aged 12 to 15 since the beginning of September. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has considered whether they should also be offered a second dose, but has recommended waiting for
Norwegian National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet – an outline
07/08/2017 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe objectives of the Public HealthReport to the Storting (White paper) Meld. St. 19 (2014-2015) Coping and opportunities - provide the foundation for the National Action Plan for a Healthier Diet:
National Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health
18/02/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesNational Strategic Plan for Work and Mental Health 2007-2012
Norwegian National Action Plan on Alcohol and Drugs
17/03/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThis Action Plan lays out the Government’s areas of priority in the field of alcohol and drug problems.
Health System in Transition, Norway
Health system review
01/09/2014 Report Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country. Each review is
The Women’s Health Strategy
03/10/2024 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Women’s Health Strategy is based on the vision that all inhabitants, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to good health and quality of life.
Immigration and Integration 2019–2020
Report for Norway to the OECD
22/12/2020 Report Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The report "Immigration and Integration 2019-2020 - Report for Norway to the OECD" is a contribution to the reporting system on migration for the
Action plan on physical activity 2005 - 2009
17/12/2004 Plans/strategy Ministry of Health and Care ServicesAction plan on physical activity 2005 - 2009
The Patients' Injury Compensation Board (PSN)
External organization Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Patients’ Injury Compensation Board is appointed by the Norwegian crown and the government and consists of five permanent members, each with two deputies.
Web page:
The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
External organization Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board is an independent body consisting of 21 members appointed by the Norwegian government.
Web page:
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority
External organization Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Norwegian Food Safety Authority is the government supervisory body for food safety.
Web page:,40103&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&language=english
The Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research - SIRUS
External organization Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research is an independent research institute.
Web page:
Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
External organization Ministry of Health and Care ServicesNorwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority is the government authority for radiation protection and nuclear saftey.
Web page:
Report No. 16 to the Storting (2002-2003) - Prescriptions for a Healthier Norway
09/01/2003 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services -
– Ambulatory surgery will have an increasingly more important role in the future
13/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Health and Care ServicesDear president, Dear chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to attend the 15th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery and share some opening remarks with you. First, I would like to thank all the organizers for kindly
By Minister of Health and Care Services Jan Christian Vestre 15th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region
16/03/2020 Regulation Ministry of Health and Care ServicesRead regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region (pdf)