News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 221-240 of 243 results.
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Emissions to air from the petroleum sector
08/08/2008 Article Ministry of EnergyNationally, petroleum operations account for 31 percent of CO2 emissions, 24 percent of NOx emissions and 41 percent of nmVOC emissions.
CLIMIT and Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
22/08/2014 Article Ministry of EnergyCLIMIT is a national programme for research, development and demonstration of technologies for capture, transport and storage of CO2 from fossil-based power production and industry.
PETROMAKS2 – large program for petroleum research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyPETROMAKS2 succeeds the PETROMAKS program, which was completed in 2012. The program is administered by the Research Council of Norway and includes both strategic basic research and competence development as well as applied research and technology
ENERGIX - Large program for energy research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe ENERGIX program was established in 2013 and supports research and development on renewable energy, energy effienciency, energy system and energy policy. ENERGIX will contribute to achieving energy policy goals as well as increased value creation
CLIMIT - Research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe CLIMIT programme is Norway’s national programme for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS). It covers the entire chain from long-term, competence-building basic research to projects that demonstrate
Demo 2000
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyDemo 2000 is a research program that aims to help reduce costs and risks for the industry and commercialize new technology through support for piloting and demonstration.
Useful links
07/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyInformation on Europe
Energy and petroleum research
Topic Ministry of EnergyResearch and development (R&D) on energy and petroleum is one of the Norwegian government's priorities. The government's vision is to make Norway a global leader in developing green energy.
Renewable Energy
Topic Ministry of Energy -
Seabed Minerals
Topic Ministry of EnergyIt is anticipated that Norway has significant seabed mineral resources. If it turns out that these deposits are profitable and can be extracted in a sustainable and responsible manner, such activities could contribute to value creation and
State-ownership in the energy sector
01/01/2022 Article Ministry of EnergyIn the government’s view, private ownership should be the main rule in Norwegian business and industry. Direct state ownership requires a special justification.
Facts 2013 – All you need to know about Norwegian petroleum activities
15/10/2013 Article Ministry of EnergyIn cooperation with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy have published a new edition of the annual book on Norwegian petroleum industry, (petroleum) Facts 2013. The publication gives a comprehensive overview of
CCS in Norway
08/01/2020 Article Ministry of EnergyThe government has an ambition to realise a cost effective solution for full scale carbon capture, transport and storage (CCS) in Norway, provided this will result in technology development internationally
The Ministry
07/01/2013 Article Ministry of EnergyThe principal responsibility of the Ministry of Energy is to achieve a coordinated and integrated energy policy. A primary objective is to ensure high value creation through efficient and environment-friendly management of Norway’s energy resources.
Contact the Ministry of Energy
Contact information Ministry of EnergyVisiting adress: Akersgata 59, Oslo Post adress: P.O. Box 8148 Dep, NO- 0033 Oslo Telephone: + 47 22 24 90 90
Energy and Water Resources Department
Department Ministry of EnergyThe Energy and Water Resources Department’s main objective is to ensure sound management, in both economic and environmental terms, of water and hydropower resources, other domestic energy sources and energy use
Announcing three areas related to CO2-storage
06/06/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy announces three areas in the North Sea for companies to apply for exploration licences related to CO2-storage on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Carbon capture and storage - CCS
Topic Ministry of EnergyVarious governments have worked to realize a full-scale project for capture, transport and storage of CO2 (CCS) in Norway. The Norwegian Parliament approved the full-scale CO2 management project in Meld. St. 33 (2019-2020) Longship - capture,
The State acquiers increased ownership in the gas transportation system
12/11/2024 Press release Ministry of EnergyThe Ministry of Energy has entered into purchase agreements of interests in key parts of the gas infrastructure with 7 different companies.
Topic Ministry of EnergyA reliable supply of electricity is crucial in modern society. In business and industry, the public service sector and households, reliable access to electricity is a matter of course.