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Showing 641-660 of 1231 results.
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Norway Increases Support for Mine Clearance in Ukraine
21/01/2025 News story Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorwegian People’s Aid (NPA) is a global leader in using mine detection dogs and is clearing large areas in Ukraine of mines and explosives. Norway is increasing its support for this work by NOK 164 million in 2025.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe main task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to secure and promote Norway’s interests internationally. Norway’s interests are determined by such factors as its geographical location in a strategically important area, its open economy, its
Development cooperation
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Government takes an integrated approach to Norway’s foreign and development policy. Our development policy is designed to promote economic development, democratisation, implementation of human rights, good governance and measures that can lift
Israel – Palestine: A negotiated two-state solution
06/07/2022 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway’s long-term engagement seeks to advance a negotiated two-state solution, with two states, Israel and Palestine, existing side by side in peace and security within secure and internationally recognised borders. It is Norway’s position that
Human rights defenders
25/04/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsProtection of human rights defenders is a key priority in Norway’s human rights efforts. Our overall objective is for human rights defenders to be able to carry out their work of promoting and defending human rights in all parts of the world freely
Norway’s efforts to promote disarmament and non-proliferation
17/01/2022 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the cornerstone of the global disarmament and non-proliferation regime.
Frequently Asked Questions
23/09/2010 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsFrequently Asked Questions: The Treaty between Norway and Russia concerning maritime delimitation and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean.
Ambassador Anders H. Eide
09/10/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsH.E. Anders H. Eide is the ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the European Union, and therefore heads the Mission of Norway to the EU. He has been in this post since the 30 August 2023.
Women’s participation in peace processes
27/06/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsEnsuring women's participation and that both women and men's rights are safeguarded in peace processes and peace agreements is a central objective for Norway's work.
Facts about the UN Security Council election
27/09/2018 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe UN Security Council has 15 members: five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the UK and the US) and ten non-permanent members, which are elected by the UN General Assembly for a term of two years.
Diplomatic relations
01/09/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Oslo Diplomatic List Diplomat in Norway. The purpose of this booklet is to provide information to diplomats and their families on how the various privileges and immunities under the Vienna Conventions are implemented in Norway, and to offer
Evaluations and reports
03/10/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsOn this page you can find links to agreements, reports and evaluations related to the EEA and Norway Grants.
Women, Peace and Security
14/09/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsIn 2000 the UN Security Council adopted the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325. The resolution emphasize that war and conflicts affect men, boys, women, and girls differently. Therefore, both men and women need to take part in decisions
Management and control of the EEA and Norway Grants
10/01/2020 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsA number of control measures have been established to ensure that the EEA and Norway Grants are not being misused. The control systems prevent corruption and ensures that we achieve the agreed results.
EEA and Norway Grants
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThese pages provide information on Norway's contribution to reducing social and economic disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA).
Guidance note on ensuring respect for the humanitarian principles
11/09/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsAs part of its work to ensure that the humanitarian principles are respected in the field, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn up a guidance note on this issue, in consultation with a number of the organisations that receive funding from
Department for Multilateral Affairs
Department Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Department for Multilateral Affairs has the systemic responsibility for the UN, the IBRD and the Regional Development Banks as well as a number of UN and international organisations. This includes the implementation of Norway’s policies in the
Due diligence
05/10/2012 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsAccording to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises due diligence is to be understood as a process through which enterprises can identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address their actual and potential adverse impacts.
Sanctions and restrictive measures
08/03/2016 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe UN Security Council can impose sanctions that are legally binding under international law on states, persons or entities.
What the EEA Agreement covers
31/03/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign AffairsUnder the EEA Agreement, Norwegians and the Norwegian business sector have the same rights and obligations as citizens and businesses in other EEA countries, for example when it comes to trade, investments, banking and insurance, buying and selling