News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 281-300 of 496 results.
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Joint Statement - Germany – Norway - Hydrogen
05/01/2023 Article Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of EnergyNorway and Germany agree to further strengthen our close partnership on energy, climate policy and industrial transformation. The goal is to achieve shared climate goals, create new green industries and jobs, and strengthen energy security.
Joint statement of the Nordic-Ukrainian Summit in Helsinki
03/05/2023 Article Office of the Prime MinisterAt their meeting in Helsinki on 3 May 2023, the Presidents of Finland and Ukraine and the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden issued the following statement.
Action plan to combat discrimination and hatred towards Muslims (2020-2023)
16/08/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and Equality, Ministry of Children and Families, Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Office of the Prime MinisterIn 2020, the Norwegian government launched the Action plan to combat discrimination and hatred towards Muslims (2020-2023). The aim of the action plan is to prevent and deter racism and discrimination against Muslims and persons believed to be
Nansen Support Programme extended
28/11/2024 Article Office of the Prime MinisterNorway’s Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine was launched on 16 February 2023 by the parliamentary leaders, Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and President Zelensky. The support programme has been endorsed by all the political parties in the
Speech by the Prime Minister at the opening of Hywind Tampen
24/08/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterYour Royal Highness, Ladies and gentlemen, we are now standing right in the middle of what has become Norway’s electricity powerhouse.
The United Nations Food Systems Summit
26/07/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterExcellencies and delegates, dear friends, I send you sincere greetings from Norway. As Prime Minister I am proud to say that my government is fully committed to transform the current food systems into more inclusive and sustainable ones. We have to
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Address at the Stocktaking Special Session: Indigenous Peoples´ Food Systems
Statement by Prime Minister Støre after meeting with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg
30/05/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterKjære alle, jeg vil jo gjerne si ‘god ettermiddag’ på norsk, siden vi er på norsk grunn, og vi har en norsk generalsekretær, men; Ladies and gentlemen,
Address at the memorial ceremony in honour of Desmond Tutu
09/01/2022 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterIn February 1986, I attended a service at a church in Soweto, a predominantly black township outside Johannesburg in segregated South Africa. The service was led by Desmond Tutu. It was a rather different experience from my own sporadic encounters
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo Cathedral
Statement by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre at the Summit for Democracy
29/03/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterMr President, Excellencies, Russia’s attack on Ukraine on 24 February 2022 was a watershed moment. It was an attack on the rules-based international order. An assault on democracy and the values that underpin it, human rights and rule of law.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Virtual Plenary
Prime minister Støre's speech at ONS 2022
29/08/2022 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterNorway will remain a stable, predictable, and not least, a trustworthy European energy partner.
Educating Girls – What the World Can and Must Do
03/06/2014 Letter Office of the Prime MinisterOpen letter to the world leaders from Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Erna Solberg, Julia Gillard, José Manuel Barroso and Andris Piebalgs.
Proposal to give a mountain peak to Finland
14/10/2016 Letter Office of the Prime MinisterLetter from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to Svein O. Leiros, Mayor of Kåfjord municipality.
The Prime Minister’s speech at the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) annual conference
09/01/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister“We have enough land area in our country to be able to develop onshore wind power wisely and responsibly. And soon we will be holding the first auction for offshore wind projects. This represents a milestone”, said Prime Minister Støre.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo Spektrum
New Year Speech 2024
01/01/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterGood evening everyone, the turn of the year is a time to take stock. Of the year that is now behind us, and the year that is to come. And let’s be honest. For many of us, 2023 has been a year where we have had to contend with forces that were beyond
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre National radio and television, 1 January 2024
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre’s introduction at the press conference after meeting with President Volodomyr Zelensky
13/12/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'Norwegian long-term political, military, economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine remains strong. We have a united Parliament; all parties behind our five-year Nansen package, supporting your defense, supporting your economy and your rebuilding
Prime Minister Støre´s statement at World Climate Action Summit
02/12/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterMr President, We are in Dubai to carve out a clear way forward for 1.5 and climate resilience. Energy transition is the linchpin of a roadmap for ambition and action. We must join forces behind a collective commitment to phase out use of unabated
Address by the Prime Minister on "Fight against hunger and poverty"
18/11/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister'IDA21 will be key in delivering on the ambitions of the Global Alliance - as well as other important development priorities. I am therefore pleased to announce that Norway will pledge an increase of 50 percent in our IDA contribution in December',
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro
Statement at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow
02/11/2021 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterLadies and Gentlemen, Norway comes to Glasgow with one overriding ambition; helping keep the 1.5 degree target alive.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre COP26, Glasgow, Scotland
National Statement by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre at the Summit for Democracy
09/12/2021 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterMr. President, Excellencies,Today, most threats against democracy come from within. From elected leaders who act in breach of democratic principles, embrace corruption and disregard human rights. The threat is often amplified by disinformation.
By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre at the Summit of Democracy
Statement by the Prime Minister at a press conference about gas leaks in The Baltic Sea and the war in Ukraine
02/10/2022 Speech/statement Office of the Prime MinisterToday the war in Ukraine has become even more serious. A few hours ago, President Putin announced that Russa has annexed four regions of Ukraine as Russian territory. The annexation of the Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions has no