
Showing 3181-3200 of 4551 results.

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  • Regulations relating to the protection of traditional knowledge associated with genetic material

    25/11/2016 Regulation Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Adopted by Royal Decree of 25.november 2016 under section 61a of the Act of 19 June 2009 No. 100 relating to the management of biological, geological and landscape diversity. Submitted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

    Read regulation at

  • Departments

    List page Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The Ministery of Labour and Social Inclusion has six departments. The Press and Communications Division is part of the Secretary General’s staff.

  • Other political staff

    List page Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

  • Departments

    List page Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Departments

    List page Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

  • Areas of responsibility

    01/01/2022 Article Ministry of Transport

    The Ministry of Transport has overall responsibility for the framework conditions for postal activities, for the civil aviation, public roads and rail transport sector and ferry services forming part of the national road system.

  • New Submarines - status per 1 February 2018

    05/02/2018 Article Ministry of Defence

    The Norwegian Submarine Project is on track. Germany and Norway are working closely together on procuring identical submarines, and the joint process towards the submarine supplier tkMS is well under way.

  • Contact the Ministry of Children and Families

    Contact information Ministry of Children and Families

    Addresses, telephone numbers and other contact information for the Ministry of Children and Families.

  • Contact the Ministry of Education and Research

    Contact information Ministry of Education and Research

    Ministry of Education and Research Visiting address: Kirkegata 18, Oslo Mailaddress: Post box 8119 Dep, 0032 Oslo, Norway E-mail: Tel. + 47 22 24 90 90

  • OG21 – Oil and gas in the 21st century

    10/03/2021 Article Ministry of Energy

    The national technology strategy for the oil- and gas sector OG21 was established in 2001. It is organised by way of a board appointed by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy and a secretariat. OG21 is to enhance value creation on the Norwegian

  • Sami cultural policy

    17/09/2021 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation has overall responsibility for the coordination of national Sami policy. The Ministry of Culture and Equality has sectoral responsibility for Sami art and culture.


    31/10/2023 Article Ministry of Energy

    The Petroleum research centers (PETROCENTER) are established to solve defined challenges for the utilization of petroleum resources. The centers work with challenges of great national importance and receive public funding for a maximum period of

  • Secretary General Mette I. Wikborg

    Administrative staff Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
  • Secretary General Villa Kulild

    Administrative staff Ministry of Transport
  • The power market and prices

    26/07/2016 Article Ministry of Energy

    The market price of power, which is determined each day on the Nord Pool Spot power exchange, is a result of supply and demand. Norway is part of a common Nordic power market and is integrated with the power market in Europe.

  • International sports cooperation

    09/09/2021 Article Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Ministry of Culture and Equality is involved in international cooperation on sport issues and is represented at the European Council and in various forums dealing with anti-doping and sports facilities. In addition, there is extensive

  • Licensing rounds

    25/10/2021 Article Ministry of Energy

    Licensing rounds entail that Norwegian and foreign oil companies are invited to apply for production licences for defined areas within a given deadline.

  • Winter tyre requirements for heavy vehicles

    08/01/2020 Article Ministry of Transport

    The driver is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle has sufficient road grip. Correct marking and minimum tread depth are no guarantee that your road grip is good enough.

  • The pioneer divers

    09/05/2008 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Several pioneer divers have chosen to file a lawsuit against the Norwegian government regarding compensatory damages relating to health injuries which were inflicted during or in relation to diving. The North Sea diver case is now concluded, and the

  • Joint Declaration - German-Norwegian Partnership on Climate, Renewable Energy and Green Industry

    05/01/2023 Article Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Norway and Germany agree to enter a strategic partnership on Climate, Renewable Energy and Green Industry. The overarching aim is to reach the long-term temperature goal in the Paris Agreement, create new green industries and jobs and strengthen

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