News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 21-23 of 23 results.
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Opening of the Baltic Pipe line
27/09/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech when he participated at the opening of the gas pipeline Baltic Pipe that connects Poland with Denmark and the Norwegian upstream gas pipeline network in Northwestern Europe. The opening
Welcoming adress CCUS Forum
27/10/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy held this opening speech at CCUS Forum in Oslo on 27th October 2022.
Joint Statement - Germany – Norway - Hydrogen
05/01/2023 Article Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of EnergyNorway and Germany agree to further strengthen our close partnership on energy, climate policy and industrial transformation. The goal is to achieve shared climate goals, create new green industries and jobs, and strengthen energy security.