
Showing 741-760 of 4545 results.

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  • Norway to increase support to refugees in Ukraine and Moldova

    15/05/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘Norway is allocating an additional NOK 170 million to the UN Refugee Agency for the refugee response in Ukraine and Moldova,’ said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Mr Støre met today with UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, who is in

  • The Kavli Prize

    13/06/2024 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    The Kavli Prize recognises outstanding scientific research and honours highly creative scientists. The prize should also promote public understanding of scientists and their work, and foster international cooperation among scientists.

  • Travelling with dogs to Norway

    03/07/2024 News story Ministry of Agriculture and Food

    Guidelines for travelling with dogs to Norway.

  • Norway increasing its support to UNRWA

    17/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘UNRWA is the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza. The war, accusations made by Israel, continuous attacks on the organisation and funds withheld by major donors, have put UNRWA in an extremely difficult financial situation. In this

  • Norway to donate spare parts for Sea King helicopters to Ukraine

    09/07/2024 News story Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘As co-chair of the Maritime Capability Coalition, Norway considers it important to ensure that Ukraine is able to build its Coast Guard and increase its maritime capabilities as rapidly as possible. Norway will donate spare parts for Sea King

  • The Oslo Call to Cali

    05/07/2024 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Oslo Ministerial Dialogues on Nature 25 June, Co-Chairs’ statement by Minister Susana Muhamad and Minister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen.

  • Chief Climate Negotiator Henrik Hallgrim Eriksen

    Administrative staff Ministry of Climate and Environment
  • Trygve Bratteli's First Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Jens Stoltenberg's First Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Labour Party (A)

  • Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government

    Historisk Regjering

    The change between the Vogt Government and the Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government took place at the appointment of Georg Christian Sibbern as Prime Minister on 16 December 1858. The Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government was named after Prime Minister

  • Johannes Steen's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Liberal Party (V)

  • Abraham Berge's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Freeminded Liberal Party (FV), Consrevative Party (H) and Liberal Party (V)

  • Peder Kolstad's Government

    Historisk Regjering

    Farmers’ Party (B)

  • Illegal Vidkun Quisling government in Oslo 1940

    Historisk Regjering

    After Nazi Germany’s attack on Norway on 9 April 1940 forced King Haakon VII and Johan Nygaardsvold’s Government to leave Oslo with civil servants from government offices, the leader of the Norwegian Nazi party Nasjonal Samling (NS), Vidkun Quisling

  • Humanitarian conference sends clear message: suffering in Gaza must cease

    13/06/2024 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The message to everyone who participated in the humanitarian conference for Gaza is clear: we must find solutions that end the suffering, and in the longer term, we must focus on rebuilding Gaza,’ said Minister of International Development Anne

  • Autismeforeningen i Norge, Hordaland fylkeslag

    14.05.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    Innspill til Autisme- og Tourettesutvalget. Opplegg som fører til arbeid – et eksempel i NAVs regi som var svært vellykket, men ble avsluttet. Rapport utarbeidet av A2G kan ettersendes. MOLAS – et eksempel på vellykket formidling til ordinært arbeid

  • Peru: Joint visit to renew commitment

    30.03.2023 Separate website NICFI

    While in Pucallpa on the Ucayali river in the Amazonian rainforest of eastern Peru, all the parties renewed their collective commitment to work towards the fulfillment of Peru’s climate goals to protect biodiversity, reduce deforestation and combat

  • Regelrådets uttalelser gir konkrete resultater

    12.10.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Regelrådet ble etablert i 2016 for å bidra til at næringslivet ikke blir påført unødvendige byrder fra nytt eller endret regelverk. Etter halvannet års drift har de gjort seg noen tanker om egen rolle og hva som skal til for å få til nødvendige

  • Key milestones for The LEAF Coalition

    18.01.2023 Separate website NICFI

    We now want to take the opportunity to take stock over key progress made in 2022: The LEAF coalition has mobilized 1.5 billion dollars in funding – a 100% increase in financial support from the private sector. Volkswagen and H&M are the newest

  • Vil du ha endring til frokost eller være med å diskutere veien videre for digitalisering av offentlig sektor?

    25.08.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Fredag 1. september inviterer Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet (KMD) til et fagseminar der OECD vil presentere sine vurderinger av politikken for digitalisering av offentlig sektor i Norge, samt anbefalinger for videre politikkutvikling, og

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