
Showing 1901-1920 of 4551 results.

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  • Reform på sporet

    07.09.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Offentlig sektor står ovenfor komplekse utfordringer og krav til effektivisering. Omstilling er nødvendig, og regjeringen Solberg har igangsatt flere reformer. Én av disse er jernbanereformen. Carlo Thomsen, som høsten 2015 til våren 2017 var

  • Forvaltningen av den kollektive oppreisningen til romanifolket/taterne overføres til Kulturrådet

    13.09.2018 Separate website Oppfølging av NOU 2015: 7 - Assimilering og motstand

    Gjennom referansegruppen som skal se på oppfølging av NOU 2015: 7 Assimilering og motstand har det kommet flere forslag til hvordan den kollektive oppreisningen til romanifolket/taterne kan forvaltes videre. Ett av forslagene som har kommet opp, og

  • Ny medarbeider i Kontaktpunktets sekretariat

    23.02.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    Elisabeth er utdannet statsviter og har jobbet med ansvarlig næringsliv i internasjonale organisasjoner i en rekke år. Hun har blant annet erfaring fra World Economic Forum, UNICEF og FNs høykommissær for menneskerettigheter. Elisabeth var ansvarlig

  • Avdeling for voksenhabilitering Ahus og Avdeling for nevrohabilitering, OUS

    08.08.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    Spesialisthelsetjenestens tilbud ved autismespekterforstyrrelse bør splittes opp Vi mener at man bør dele inn ASF ansvaret etter kognitivt nivå, på samme måte som «Prioriteringsveilederen for habilitering av voksne i spesialisthelsetjenesten 2015»

  • OECDs Forum for ansvarlig mineralutvinning 24.-28.april

    19.05.2023 Separate website Ansvarlig Næringsliv

    OECDs veileder for aktsomhetsvurderinger for ansvarlige leverandørkjeder knyttet til mineraler fra konflikt- og høyrisiko-områder. Hvis vi skal få til det grønne skiftet en på en måte der vi tar vare på både miljø og mennesker, er det viktig med

  • Gode råd for å løse digitale knuter

    30.10.2017 Separate website Program for bedre styring og ledelse i staten

    Etter å ha gitt nesten 200 anbefalinger har Digitaliseringsrådet oppsummert sine erfaringer. Rådets andre erfaringsrapport løfter blant annet frem det å inkludere brukerne, samarbeide på tvers, skape fornyelse og ta ut gevinster underveis.

  • Foreningen Spekteret

    03.06.2019 Separate website Autisme- og touretteutvalget

    Det følgende er Foreningen Spekterets innspill til Autisme- og Tourettesutvalget 2019. Innholdet består av viktige ønskemål og grunnleggende betraktninger som bør legge føringer for utforming av tjenester. Våre medlemmer ønsker å bidra i samfunnet

  • Meld. St. 10 (2016–2017) - Risk in a Safe and Secure Society

    09/12/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    This white paper presents the Government’s policy on public security efforts and constitutes the Government’s public security strategy in a four-year perspective.

  • Meld. St. 14 (2015–2016) - Nature for life

    Norway’s national biodiversity action plan (Chapter 4–9)

    18/12/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This white paper describes the Government’s policy for safeguarding biodiversity in Norway, which is designed to play a part in achieving biodiversity targets at both national and international level. The white paper describes biodiversity-related

  • The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    05/05/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is devoted to renewing, simplifying and improving the public sector.

  • The Department of Municipal Health Care Services

    Department Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The Department of Municipal Healthcare Services (MHS) has the primary responsibility for the central government’s policies relating to the municipal health and care services set out in the Act relating to municipal health and care services and the

    Director General Marianne Skjerven-Martinsen

  • Department of Domestic Affairs

    Department Office of the Prime Minister

    The Department of Domestic Affairs assists the Prime Minister and the Government Secretary in the ongoing coordination of the Government's work.

    Director General Stig Økland

  • Director General Jan Tore Føsund

    Administrative staff Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
  • Meld. St. 4 (2018–2019) - Long-term plan for research and higher education 2019–2028

    Meld. St. 4 (2018–2019) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    05/10/2018 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research

  • Workers’ rights and the right to decent work

    12/02/2021 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Full employment and decent work are an integral part of the UN sustainability agenda. Norway will help to ensure decent work and promote fundamental, universal workers’ rights, job creation and employment, social protection and tripartite dialogue.

  • Treaty between Norway and the Russian Federation

    16/09/2010 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The treaty which has been signed determines the boundary between Norway and Russia.

  • Human rights defenders

    25/04/2023 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Protection of human rights defenders is a key priority in Norway’s human rights efforts. Our overall objective is for human rights defenders to be able to carry out their work of promoting and defending human rights in all parts of the world freely

  • Exchange of Information and other Agreements Regarding Muteral Administrative Assistance

    18/04/2023 Article Ministry of Finance

    The list below contains an overview of Agreements on Exchange of Information in Tax Matters Norway has entered into. In addition to the agreements listed below, all of the Double Tax Treaties Norway has entered into with other countries contain

  • Organisation

    Organization chart Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The Ministry of trade, industry and fisheries is secretariat for the Minister of Trade and Industry and the Minister of Fisheries. The Ministry has eight departments. The Press and Communications Division is part of the Secretary General’s staff.

  • Areas of responsibilities

    14/12/2014 Article Ministry of Education and Research

    The Ministry of Education and Research’s task is to formulate future-oriented and coordinated policies for the education sector. The aim is to ensure that Norway has a good, efficient education system, as well as productive and creative research

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