News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 4041-4060 of 4742 results.
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Interim Government in Stockholm 1881
Historisk Regjering Government.noBetween 1852 and 1881, a Swedish-Norwegian interim government seven times held the executive power while the King was ill or travelling abroad. The interim government normally consisted of ten members from each country, that is of the entire Swedish
Schweigaard/Løvenskiold Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noThe Schweigaard/Løvenskiold Government (the April Government) was appointed in a session of the Council of State on 3 April 1884, effective as of the same day. It succeded the Christian Selmer Government, after six of its ministers had been deprived
Interim Government in Stockholm May-June 1875
Historisk Regjering Government.noBetween 1852 and 1881, a Swedish-Norwegian interim government seven times held the executive power while the King was ill or travelling abroad. The interim government normally consisted of ten members from each country, that is of the entire Swedish
Christian Selmer Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noThe change between Frederik Stang’s Government and Christian A. Selmer’s Government took place at the appointment of Christian Selmer as Prime Minister in a session of the Council of State on 11 October 1880. Between 11 and 26 March 1884, six of the
Jens Hundseid's Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noFarmers’ Party (B)
Johan Mowinckel's Third Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLiberal Party (V)
Peder Kolstad's Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noFarmers’ Party (B)
Christopher Hornsrud's Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLabour Party (A)
Frederik Stang Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noThe change between the Sibbern/Birch/Motzfeldt Government and Frederik Stang’s Government took place at the appointment of Frederik Stang as First Minister on 17 December 1861. On 21 July 1873, First Minister Frederik Stang in Christiania (Oslo) was
Ivar Lykke's Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noConservative Party (H) and Freeminded Liberal Party (FV)
Johan Mowinckel's Second Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLiberal Party (V)
Johan Mowinckel's First Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLiberal Party (V)
Otto Blehr's Second Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLiberal Party (V)
Abraham Berge's Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noFreeminded Liberal Party (FV), Consrevative Party (H) and Liberal Party (V)
Otto B. Halvorsen's Second Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noConservative Party (H), Freeminded Liberal Party (FV) and Liberal Party (V)
Gunnar Knudsen Second Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noLiberal Party (V)
Otto B. Halvorsen's First Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noConservative Party (H) and Freeminded Liberal Party (FV)
Løvenskiold/Vogt Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noThe change between the Second Wedel Government and the Løvenskiold/Vogt Government took place at the accession to the throne of King Oscar I on 8 March 1844, following the death of King Carl XIV Johan.
Interim Government in Stockholm 1852
Historisk Regjering Government.noBetween 1852 and 1881, a Swedish-Norwegian interim government seven times held the executive power while the King was ill or travelling abroad.
Willer Konow's (S.B.) Government
Historisk Regjering Government.noModerate Liberal Party (MV), Conservative Party (H) og Liberal Party (V)