News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Director General Bjørn Olav Megard
Administrative staff Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development -
Director General Tom Gulliksen
Administrative staff Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion -
The Department of Budgetary Affairs and Agency Governance
Department Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Departement of Budgetary Affairs and Agency Governance coordinates the Ministry of Health and Care Services' work relating to the National Budget and budget proposals throughout the year.
The Press and Communications Division
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Press and Communications Division deals with press enquiries to the Ministry’s political leadership and the Ministry. The Division also helps to locate the correct department or case officer for background material and information. The Press and
The Department of Welfare Policy
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Department of Welfare Policy is responsible for policies aimed at assuring income through sickness benefit, work assessment allowance, and disability pensions in the national insurance scheme, and through social security assistance.
The Department of Pension
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Department of Pension has the overall responsibility for the pension policy, including the work on the pension reform.
The Departement of Administration
Department Ministry of Health and Care ServicesThe Department of Administration is responsible for joint tasks and coordination within the Ministry of Health and Care Services and contributes to the Ministry working in accordance with key objectives and guidelines for the public administration.
The Department of Finance and Governance
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Department of Finance and Governance coordinates, ensures the quality of, and follows up on the ministry’s work with the state budget.
The Department of Working Environment and Safety
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Department of Working Environment and Safety is responsible for labor law, working environment, and safety in Norwegian working life.
The Department of Labour Market
Department Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Department is responsible for tasks relating to the promotion of a well-functioning labour market, and it is responsible for policies and measures taken to help the unemployed and for some of the measures aimed at the occupationally disabled.
Administrative leadership
List page Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Secretary General is the administrative head of the Ministry. The Ministry's leader group consists of the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General, the Head of Information and the Director Generals of the Ministry's Departments.
Other political staff
List page Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion -
The Sami people
Topic Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe state shall take steps to ensure that the Sami people can further develop and strengthen their own culture, their own language and their own business and industry and community life.
National minorities
Topic Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentGroups with a long-standing attachment to the country are defined as national minorities. In Norway these minorities are: Kvens/Norwegian Finns (people of Finnish descent in Northern Norway), Jews, Forest Finns, Roma and Romani people/Taters.
Legal Affairs Department
Department Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Legal Affairs Department provides legal expertise for the Government and the central government administration, and has particular responsibility for coordinating Norway’s positions on matters of international law in international forums.
Subordinate agencies
List page Ministry of Education and Research -
Related Institutions
List page Ministry of Education and Research -
History – The first Ministry
07/01/2007 Article Ministry of Education and ResearchThe Ministry of Education and Research was the first ministry to be established when Norway became an independent state in 1814. The Ministry of Education and Research celebrated 200 years on 28 November 2014.
Department for Higher Education, Research and International Affairs
Department Ministry of Education and Research -
Department for Education, Training and Skills Policy
Department Ministry of Education and Research