
  • Meld. St. 14 (2017–2018) - Financial Markets Report 2018

    Meld. St. 14 (2017–2018) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    27/04/2018 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

    banks or insurance companies. This has served to increase diversity and competition. The Finansportalen financial services portal is operated by the Norwegian Consumer Council, and is one of the services that has made it easier to get an overview of financial

  • Digitalisation strategy for the higher education sector 2017-2021

    19/02/2018 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    report states measures for improving the knowledge base further through evaluation and research and by developing a quality portal for higher education. Responsibility for follow-up: Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, RCN, quality agencies, and

  • Experiencing Norway – a unique adventure

    13/11/2017 Article Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    Introduction, summary and policy measures

  • Grants

    30/06/2017 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    cooperation, and public diplomacy. You can find information about all the active grant agreements in the Ministry's Grants Portal.

  • Meld. St. 35 (2016–2017) - Update of the integrated management plan for the Norwegian Sea

    05/04/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment

    available here, and supplement the written information on the marine management plans and the state of the environment. The portal provides a user-friendly overview of information on climate, environment and maritime transport for all

  • Meld. St. 25 (2016–2017) - The Humanities in Norway

    Meld. St. 25 (2016–2017) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    31/03/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Education and Research

    This is the first political document to give a full presentation of the humanities in Norway. It discusses how the potential of the humanities may be unleashed in order to meet the major challenges of our time - in business, in cultural life, in

  • Meld. St. 19 (2016–2017) - Experiencing Norway – a unique adventure

    Meld. St. 19 (2016–2017) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    17/03/2017 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    individual companies pay their own sales-generating parts of the campaigns. is Norway’s official tourism portal. The portal presents content that generates consumer interest in experiencing Norway; it is also a response channel for campaigns

  • NOU 2016: 14 - More to gain

    Better learning for students with higher learning potential

    15/09/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    Report from the Committee appointed by Royal Decree on 18 September 2015. Submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research on 15 September 2016.

  • NOU 2016: 8 - A Good Ally: Norway in Afghanistan 2001–2014

    06/06/2016 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is an English translation of the report of the Norwegian Commission on Afghanistan. The report is an overall assessment of the Norwegian civilian and military engagement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. For Norway the engagement was demanding,

  • Meld. St. 32 (2015–2016) - Svalbard

    Meld. St. 32 (2015–2016) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    11/05/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    In the past, comprehensive white papers on Svalbard have been presented approximately every 10 years. The white papers have each contributed to guiding the archipelago’s development for a number of years, and the comprehensive review process has

  • Digital agenda for Norway in brief

    – ICT for a simpler everyday life and increased productivity

    09/05/2016 Report Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

    The purpose of this white paper is to present the Government's policy on how Norway can exploit ICT in the best interests of society.

  • Meld. St. 29 (2015–2016) - Financial Markets Report 2015

    22/04/2016 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

    The white paper includes an assessment of the financial stability outlook in Norway, a discussion of a holistic approach to financial markets policy, and a summary of implemented regulatory changes in 2015. It also includes a review of Norges Bank’s

  • Meld. St. 14 (2015–2016) - Nature for life

    Norway’s national biodiversity action plan (Chapter 4–9)

    18/12/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment

    This white paper describes the Government’s policy for safeguarding biodiversity in Norway, which is designed to play a part in achieving biodiversity targets at both national and international level. The white paper describes biodiversity-related

  • Meld. St. 32 (2014–2015) - Norwegian Interests and Policy in the Antarctic

    12/06/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is the first time a Norwegian Government has presented a white paper that provides a complete overview of Norway's interests and policy in the Antarctic. Norwegian Antarctic policy is based on recognition of the need to maintain Norway's

  • Meld. St. 26 (2014–2015) - The primary health and care services of tomorrow – localised and integrated

    07/05/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services

    at low risk do not need traditional consultations to address their problems, but can use simpler services such as patient portals (, social media and the like. Often they can get treatment and advice from a nurse rather than a doctor or psychologist

  • NOU 2014: 5 - MOOCs for Norway

    New digital learning methods in higher education

    16/06/2014 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Education and Research

    financial framework: Brand building The Commission recommends uniting and promoting Norwegian MOOCs through a dedicated national portal (Chapter 11). The Commission recommends that Norway initiate a Nordic cooperation with the objective of a joint initiative

  • Meld. St. 25 (2013-2014) - Education for Development

    13/06/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    mobile era (2014) explains how mobile technology can be used to reach people with poor reading skills by creating a sustainable portal to education resources. Textbox 3.20 Entrepreneurial skills In order to prevent school leavers from heading straight for unemployment

  • Meld. St. 21 (2013-2014) - Financial Markets Report 2013

    25/04/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Finance

    Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion and the Ministry of Finance. The portal provides an overview of banking, investment and insurance services. The portal enables consumers to monitor the market and to compare prices and services. Finansportalen

  • Legal assistance

    26/08/2013 Article Child abduction

    The Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide guidance in child abduction cases. There is often also a need for legal assistance from a lawyer/legal practitioner.

  • Meld. St. 33 (2012–2013) - Climate change adaptation in Norway

    Meld. St. 33 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    07/05/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Climate and Environment

    secretariat’s efforts have included information work, courses and the development of a national portal that can be accessed from the Government’s website. The portal provides relevant information on climate change adaptation for public authorities, companies

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