News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
Showing 1-20 of 92 results.
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International Migration 2008-2009
22/12/2009 Report Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2008 and
International Migration 2008-2009
22/12/2009 Report Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityAnnually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2008 and
Reports on active management of the Government Pension Fund Global
18/12/2009 Article Ministry of FinanceFour reports that have been received in connection with the work of evaluating active management.
Melting snow and ice. A call for action
14/12/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsForeign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and former vice president Al Gore presented the report "Melting snow and ice. A call for action" at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 14 December.
Incentive schemes for attracting new electricity generation
10/12/2009 Report Ministry of EnergyThe report in pdf
10/12/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe Government wants to promote architecture. There is a need for a new, comprehensive architectural policy. Buildings, cities and population centres are facing new challenges from climate change, growth and transformation.
Haven´t I got a say?
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure HAVEN´T I GOT A SAY? here (PDF)
Children when parents move apart
10/12/2009 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesYou can download the brochure CHILDREN WHEN PARENTS MOVE APART here (PDF)
2009 Article IV Consultation
23/11/2009 Article Ministry of FinanceIMF Executive Board concluded its 2009 Article IV Consultation with Norway on 23 November 2009. Press release Report
2009 Article IV Consultation
23/11/2009 Article Ministry of Finance -
Recommendation of February 16, 2009, on the exclusion of the company Norilsk Nickel
20/11/2009 Article Government.noThe company is recommended for exclusion due to an unacceptable risk of contributing to severe environmental damage. Please find the recommendation here.
The public art 26.02.2008
16/11/2009 Article Government.noBy the Norwegian artist Dyveke Sannes. Click on the picture for a larger format. All photo: Mari Tefre/Svalbard Global Seed Vault 26.02.2008 26.02.2008
Svalbard and the Polar Areas
Topic Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentIn the northern areas and in Antarctica, Norway administers some of the planet´s last great areas with virtually untouched nature. Such areas are of great intrinsic value, at the same time as they are important for the preservation of biological
Scheduled regional air services in Finnmark and North-Troms
19/10/2009 Call for tender Ministry of TransportOn September 17, 2009, the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications published a tender for scheduled regional air services in Finnmark and North-Troms. Airlines in all EEA-countries are invited to bid for the tender.
Scheduled air services (helicopter) between Værøy and Bodø
19/10/2009 Call for tender Ministry of TransportOn June 5, 2008 the Ministry of Transport and Communications published a tender for scheduled air services (Helicopter) on the route Værøy - Bodø during the period August 1,2008 to July 31, 2011. All EEA air carriers are invited to tender.
Scheduled regional air services - 19 route areas are put out to tender
19/10/2009 Call for tender Ministry of TransportOn October 2, 2008 the Ministry of Transport and Communications invited all EEA air carriers to tender on scheduled regional air services within Norway, for the period 1 April 2009 - 31 March 2012. The deadline for submitting tenders is 3 November
Central Government Communication Policy
16/10/2009 Guidelines Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceThe communication policy encompasses the central objectives and principles for the government’s communication with citizens, businesses, non-governmental organizations and other public agencies.
Councils and committees
List page Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion -
The Welfare and Migration Committee
Councils and committees Ministry of Children and FamiliesThis committee is assessing the increase in migration and international mobility and the consequences for the welfare model.
Action plan to prevent problem gaming and problem gambling
05/10/2009 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and EqualityThe range and the accessibility of games and gambling have changed. Previous mechanical and electronic gaming and gambling devices have now been superseded by a range of new online games, which are increasingly available on portable and handheld