News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Recommendation of August 14, 2008, on exclusion of the company Barrick Gold Corporation
20/12/2012 Article Government.noThe company is recommended for exclusion due to an unacceptable risk of contributing to ongoing and future severe environmental damage. Please find the recommendation here.
Markets for applied research
A comparative analysis of R&D-systems in five countries
19/12/2012 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchMarkets for applied research compares the national systems for applied research in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden. The report find that Norway has a relatively large domestic market for applied research, and that the research
Cyber Security Strategy for Norway
18/12/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe strategy sets the direction and priorities on which public authorities should base their information security efforts.
Cyber Security Strategy for Norway
18/12/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe Government’s primary objective in publishing a national strategy for information security is to set the direction and priorities that will form the basis for the government’s information security efforts in the coming years.
The Norwegian Action Plan Against Match-Fixing
11/12/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Culture and EqualityCombating match-fixing is necessary to protect the integrity of sport, maintain a secure and trustworthy gaming industry and fight international organized crime.
Protocol Norway - South Africa
10/12/2012 Article Ministry of FinanceProtocol amending the Convention between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of South Africa for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income The Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the
Meld. St. 10 (2012-2013) - High Quality - Safe Services
Quality and Patient safety in the Health and Care Services
07/12/2012 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services -
Agreement Norway - Brunei
23/11/2012 Article Ministry of Finance -
Letter dated March 19, 2009, on the Council's assessments of investments in companies with activities in Israel
23/11/2012 Article Government.noIn January, 2009, the Ministry of Finance wrote a letter to the Council requesting an overview of the Council’s assessments of cases related to companies with activities in Israel. Please find the Councils response here.
Letter dated April 18, 2008, on the Council's assessment of investments in Israel Electric Corp.
23/11/2012 Article Government.noOn March 3, 2008, the Council received a letter from the Ministry of Finance, requesting an assessment of whether the Fund's investments in Israel Electric Corp. could constitute a breach of the Fund's Ethical Guidelines. The Council replied to the
Communications Adviser Ellen Brit Sekkelsten
Administrative staff Ministry of Justice and Public Security -
Department for Fisheries
Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Department for Fisheries is responsible for matters related to fisheries. There is a wide range of topics in the department's portfolio, including quota negotiations and international fisheries agreements, IUU fishing, regulation of and the
Living with World Heritage
Røros, Norway 13-16 May 2012
02/11/2012 Report Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentIn 1972 the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted, and today, 40 years later, we’re celebrating the Convention as the most widely recognized international treaty for heritage protection.
Deputy Secretary General Anne Herse
Administrative staff Ministry of Justice and Public Security -
Norwegian Prime Minister in Stockholm
19/10/2012 Article Government.noBetween 1814 and 1873 Norway’s Prime Minister was permanently based at the Norwegian Council of State Division in Stockholm, as this was where the King of Norway and Sweden resided. When the office of Governor-General in Christiania (Oslo) in 1873
Invitation to tender: Scheduled regional air services in Finnmark and North-Troms 1 April 2013 – 31 March 2017
18/10/2012 Call for tender Ministry of TransportThe Ministry of Transport and Communications invites tenderes to an open tender procedure for scheduled regional air services in Finnmark and North-Troms for the period 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2017.
Meld. St. 5 (2012-2013) - The EEA Agreement and Norway’s other agreements with the EU
12/10/2012 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs -
Topic Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe environment will be managed in a way that maintains the diversity of habitats and landscape types and ensures that there are viable populations of naturally-occurring species: this will ensure that biological diversity can continue to evolve.
On motives for participation in the Framework Programme
10/10/2012 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchFaugert & Co Utvärdering AB (a part of the Technopolis Group) has conducted a study on motives and deterrents for Norwegian participation in the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and
Promoting abolition of the death penalty
10/10/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe fight against the death penalty is gradually gaining ground. Our efforts are paying off. However, opposition remains strong. That is why we are now stepping up the fight and have produced new guidelines setting out what the Foreign Service can