News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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Director General Lene Lyngby
Administrative staff Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentHead of Department for Nature Management
Phone +47 22 24 58 02
Mobile phone: +47 452 47 406
Department for Cultural Environment and Polar Affairs
Department Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe department works with strategy and policy development for the conservation and sustainable use of the cultural environment and for climate and environment in the polar and northern regions. The department has agency management responsibility for
Department for Nature Management
Department Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe department's main responsibility is to develop policies to safeguard biodiversity on land and in the sea, and to ensure holistic and sustainable management of nature through use, conservation and recreation. The department is also responsible
Secretary General Tom Rådahl
Administrative staff Ministry of Climate and Environment -
List page Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development currently consists of eight specialised departments with responsibility for specific policy areas, a department of administrative affairs and a communication unit.
Organization chart Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionThe Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has six departments. The Press and Communications Division is part of the Secretary General’s staff. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. The other political staff consists of
Department for Climate Change
Department Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe department is responsible for national policy development and international work in the field of climate change. It is also responsible for local air quality and has overall responsibility for environment and development issues.
Press contacts Ministry of Climate and Environment
List page Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentContact information and other information for the press can be found here.
Department for Organizational Affairs
Department Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe department is responsible for staff functions for the political leadership and the Ministry Secretary General, developing and maintaining management systems and adopting overall guidelines for efficient and coordinated management of the Ministry.
The Department of Regional Development
Department Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Department of Regional Development is responsible for monitoring the Norwegian government’s rural and regional policy.
Organization chart Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Ministry of Climate and Environment consist of five departments and The Communication Unit. Departements: Department for Climate Change Department for Cultural Heritage Management Department for Nature Management Department for Organizational
The Communication Unit
Department Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Communication Unit is responsible for communication on behalf of the entire Ministry. The unit handles press inquiries to the Ministry and its political leadership, writes draft press releases, speeches and contributions, maintains close contact
Ministry of Climate and Environment
Ministry Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Ministry of Climate and Environment has a particular responsibility for carrying out the environmental policies of the Government.
The Department of Local Government
Department Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe Department of Local Government is responsible for implementing local government policy.
Letter to the EU Commission on climate and energy policies
19/12/2013 Letter Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe ministers Vidar Helgesen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Tine Sundtoft (Ministry of the Environment) og Tord Lien (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) have sendt a letter to the European Commission with the Norwegian Government's views on the 2030
Recommendations from 2011, 2012 and 2013 concerning the companies Posco, Daewoo International Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC), GAIL India, Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas)
17/12/2013 Article Government.noOn 2 May 2011 the Council on Ethics recommended the exclusion of the Korean companies Daewoo International Corporation and Korea Gas Corporation, as well as the Indian companies Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) and GAIL India Ltd. (GAIL)
Seminar: Corporate Income Tax in a Small Open Economy
29/11/2013 Article Ministry of FinanceWhat are the challenges facing the corporate income tax and which solutions are available? In this seminar we will focus on possible solutions within the existing international framework; how should the corporate income tax be designed in a
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Ministry Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Ministry is responsible for the trade, industry and ocean policy.
Recommendation of December 1, 2010, on exclusion of the company Alstom SA
25/10/2013 Article Government.noThe Ministry of Finance has decided to place the French company Alstom SA under observation due to the risk of gross corruption in the company’s operations. The Council on Ethics recommended the company for exclusion the 1st of December 2010. Please
Forecasting demand and supply of labour by education
22/10/2013 Report Ministry of Education and ResearchIn Norway, supply of labour by level of education has developed in line with demand for many years. At the same time unemployment rates and relative wages for different educational groups have been quite stable over time.