News, press releases, speeches and articles, people and units from previous governments and other outdated content can be found in the Historical Archive.
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International cooperation within energy and petroleum research
29/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyParticipation in international R&D cooperation in the field of energy and petroleum has a high priority and is an important supplement to Norwegian national research. Norway participates primarily in co-operation activities within the EU, through
Energy and petroleum research
15/08/2024 Article Ministry of EnergyThe aim of the research and development (R&D) policy within the energy and petroleum sector is to contribute to efficient and sustainable exploitation of Norwegian energy and petroleum resources Developing and implementing new solutions is a key
State Secretary Varteressian’s opening remarks at the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Partnership (GFMR)
05/06/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Foreign AffairsAt the first-ever meeting of the Steering Committee of the newly established Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Partnership, State Secretary Maria Varteressian highlighted the need for powerful and efficient measures for cutting global emissions,
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyThe Petroleum research centers (PETROCENTER) are established to solve defined challenges for the utilization of petroleum resources. The centers work with challenges of great national importance and receive public funding for a maximum period of
Energi21 – National strategy for research and development of new energy technology
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyEnergi21 is the Norwegian strategy for research, development and commercialisation of new climate friendly energy technologies. Established in 2008 it focuses on enhanced value creation and efficient use of resources in the sector by putting efforts
Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research
31/10/2023 Article Ministry of EnergyThe first Research Centers for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME) were established in 2009. The programme is administered by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and involves support for research centers (consortia) consisting of a host
How today’s energy reality informs tomorrow’s policy
17/10/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy held this keynote speech at DNVs launch of Energy Transition Outlook in Copenhagen on 13th October 2022.
Safeguarding global energy security on the way to net zero
19/05/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech at the Energy Connected conference hosted by Energy Valley at Fornebu on 19th May 2022.
EERA DeepWind 2022
19/01/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of EnergyMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen gave this digital speech to the EERA DeepWind 2022 conference in Trondheim on 19th January 2022.
PETROMAKS2 – large program for petroleum research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyPETROMAKS2 succeeds the PETROMAKS program, which was completed in 2012. The program is administered by the Research Council of Norway and includes both strategic basic research and competence development as well as applied research and technology
ENERGIX - Large program for energy research
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe ENERGIX program was established in 2013 and supports research and development on renewable energy, energy effienciency, energy system and energy policy. ENERGIX will contribute to achieving energy policy goals as well as increased value creation
Demo 2000
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyDemo 2000 is a research program that aims to help reduce costs and risks for the industry and commercialize new technology through support for piloting and demonstration.
CLIMIT - Research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology
25/10/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe CLIMIT programme is Norway’s national programme for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS). It covers the entire chain from long-term, competence-building basic research to projects that demonstrate
OG21 – Oil and gas in the 21st century
10/03/2021 Article Ministry of EnergyThe national technology strategy for the oil- and gas sector OG21 was established in 2001. It is organised by way of a board appointed by the Minister of Petroleum and Energy and a secretariat. OG21 is to enhance value creation on the Norwegian
The Norwegian Government’s hydrogen strategy
03/06/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of EnergyTowards a low emission society
The Ministry
07/01/2013 Article Ministry of EnergyThe principal responsibility of the Ministry of Energy is to achieve a coordinated and integrated energy policy. A primary objective is to ensure high value creation through efficient and environment-friendly management of Norway’s energy resources.